The Cannabis Breeder's Bible

The Cannabis Breeder's Bible Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Cannabis Breeder's Bible Read Online Free PDF
Author: Greg Green
Sativa L. However Linnaeus had not observed Cannabis Indica nor had he observed Cannabis Ruderalis.
    In 1929 Russian botanist Nicolai Vavilov visited northern Afghanistan and discovered the locals cultivating Cannabis Sativa for hashish production. However, east towards the Pakistan border, Vavilov discovered Cannabis Indica in two very unique strain types which appeared to be growing wild. He named the strains Cannabis Indica Afghanica and Cannabis Indica Kafiristanica. Vavilov had discovered Cannabis Indica that was not being used for hashish production and so had found a true wild species of Cannabis Indica. It wasn’t until much later that Afghanistan began to process this species into a cultivar for hashish extraction. The important point is that Vavilov had found wild Cannabis Indica in 1929 and that the plant did not exhibit any traits of being a cultivar.
    The term Indian hemp refers to any variation of cannabis that is grown in India. This included both Cannabis Sativa L. and Cannabis Indica, however early botanists sometimes found the term hemp confusing and often attributed only Cannabis Sativa L. to it. In fact many went so far as to claim two separate variations of the Indian hemp plant: Cannabis Sativa L. subsp. culta and Cannabis Sativa L. subsp. spontanea. The subspecies culta referred to cultivated Indian hemp and the subspecies spontanea referred to wild Indian hemp. Today breeders, growers and botanists simply treat both these types of Indian hemp as simply strain types of Sativa or Indica varieties, with cultivars tending to be more uniform in growth than wild or landrace strains.
    The main problem with the cannabis species is not cannabis itself but universal discrepancies on what constitutes a species. Taxonomy does not have any clear definitions on what a species actually is. One rule is that a species should not be able to break the confines of what is called a species breeding barrier. This means that species should not be able to breed outside of themselves. Cannabis Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis are all interfertile, meaning that they can breed outside of their species barrier, among themselves, but botanists still remain uncertain as to this definition. One example is that of the horse and the donkey. These are two separate species that can interbreed, however they produce a mule, which is infertile. This led many biologists to explain that “a species consists of those populations that can breed and produce fertile offspring.” Since the mule is infertile, the horse and donkey remain two different species. The same also occurs with the ‘liger’, the offspring of a tiger and lion that produces an infertile ‘liger.’ However what also must be noted here is that the mule and the liger are artificial creations. In the wild, geographical isolation prevents this from happening. Many biologists believe that geographical isolation eventually creates a complete species breeding barrier that prevents different species from being interfertile and that what we are observing with some species interbreeding is in fact just a moment in their development that allows for interfertility but it will sooner or later become impossible as long as their isolation from one another is maintained. Cannabis Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis do not take advantage of their interfertility in the wild because of geographic isolation but they do when mankind interferes with them. This process is known as a ‘ring species.’ Salamanders are a very good example of a ‘ring species.’ Some species of salamander can interbreed while other species cannot. Other examples of a ring species include birds like the gull.

    IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE GROWING a strain that you enjoy, cloning is your best option. You could also continue the strain by breeding two plants to produce seeds. You won’t completely replicate the strain again using the seed method, however, unless the two parent plants are from the
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