The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History

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Book: The Bundy Murders: A Comprehensive History Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kevin M. Sullivan
backpack with gray straps. After completing his report, Officer Marshall and his partner got back into their patrol car and drove off into the night.
    Around 8:00 P.M. the phone rang and Monica answered it. But when she said hello she was met with dead air. The line was open, she recalled, but the caller was refusing to speak. Only the faint sound of breathing was detectable. Two additional such calls would be made to the house that evening and both times the caller would remain silent.
    Just before midnight a homicide detective arrived at the house. He went directly to Lynda's room and was followed closely by Joanne Testa. According to Joanne, "I was there when the policeman pulled back the spread for the first time. I saw that the pillowcase was gone and that there were blood stains on the pillow as well as one fairly large blood stain on the sheet near the pillow." Lynda had two pink satin pillowcases, Joanne told police, adding, "As far as I know, Lynda always kept a pillowcase on her pillow."' Checking the closet, the detective noted that her nightgown, which was hanging up, had a bloodstain on the upper portion at the back of the neck.
    Apparently, because a change of clothes was missing as well as her backpack and her nightgown had been neatly placed on a hanger and hung in the closet, it was initially believed that the missing Lynda had experienced an unexpected nosebleed and had left to seek assistance. Yet she didn't wake anyone to let them know what had happened, nor did she take her bike. Her boyfriend hadn't seen her, she had made zero contact with anyone in the past twenty-three hours, and she failed to return home to prepare dinner for her parents and boyfriend.
    The truth was indeed far more horrible. Lynda had been attacked and taken from her bed in the middle of the night to a location where others would later unwillingly join her. And while the police would compare the similarities between the attack on Terri Caldwell and the disappearance of Lynda Ann Healy, it was almost beyond comprehension to them that anyone would be so bold as to enter a house where others were sleeping, attack and render unconscious a woman, hang up her nightgown, gather up clothes, grab a backpack, meticulously make the bed and then carry the victim up a flight of stairs and out into the night. This was unthinkable. But in the weeks and months to come, the unthinkable would become a reality for those in Washington State.

    As the horror of what actually happened took hold, the remaining housemates found it impossible to stay there any longer. The fear that whoever snatched Lynda might return again and spirit one of them away was just too much to bear. But the inhabitants of the U District were safe, at least for the present. The fiend had been satiated, and when the need to strike again began rising to the point where action would be taken, he'd head south, to a small but progressive school just outside of Olympia, Washington.
    When nineteen-year-old Donna Manson enrolled at Evergreen State College in the fall of 1973, she was, in the vernacular of the times, still trying to find herself. Having graduated from Auburn High School in Auburn, Washington, in 1972, she would spend part of that summer crisscrossing Western Europe with her boyfriend. The Vietnam War was still grinding out American lives, so her passport forbade travel to that country (unless you were in the armed forces), as well as to North Korea and Cuba. Except for problems between England and Northern Ireland, where in either location a bomb or two might go off among some unsuspecting passersby, Europe was fairly peaceful that summer, until the slaughter of the Israeli Olympic team in Munich in September. All in all, however, she must have enjoyed her time abroad. Donna would attend Green River Community College before enrolling at Evergreen.
    Carved out of a beautiful forest of fir trees, the concrete complex known as Evergreen State College blends well into its
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