The Buchanan's Redemption

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Book: The Buchanan's Redemption Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alexx Andria
to be ravenous after everything she’d been through. Her body would be weak with only IV fluids.
    “What is this?” she asked, suspicious.
    “What does it look like?”
    “I don’t want you to feed me. I need clothes so I can leave.”
    He ignored her and placed the breakfast tray over her legs. “I hope you like chicken breast with wild rice and fresh green beans. I thought something mild given your ordeal,” he said, grabbing a chair to pull it beside her. He gestured at her when all she did was stare at him as if he’d grown another head. “Go on, eat.” When she failed to do so, he sighed in irritation. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those girls who is shy about basic needs, such as food?”
    “I wouldn’t know what kind of girl you’re accustomed to but I can safely say I am nothing like a girl who would have anything to do with you.”
    “Strong words. And what have I done to earn such a low opinion?” he asked, curious.
    “You own Malvagio and you threatened to rip my tongue out. Need I say more?”
    He laughed. “I’ve done far worse than own a stake in a club and apologize for my brash words earlier. But surely I haven’t earned your low opinion on such flimsy points. What do you think I’ve done that’s so inexcusable? Need I remind you that I took you from a bad situation —   a situation you put yourself into by sneaking into my club where you plainly don’t belong —   and I’m currently seeing to your care. I know I’m a little rusty in the good guy department but last I heard those are hardly the actions of someone deserving of your disdain.”
    “Spare me,” she said, pushing away the food, even though she looked hungry enough to eat her blankets. “I know all about you Vince Buchanan. The Internet is a wonderful thing and you haven’t been exactly covert in your actions. I always thought you had a certain arrogance and now I know I wasn’t wrong. You think the world revolves around you and you don’t want to listen to anyone who says otherwise.”
    He chuckled, but his amusement was only surface deep. Generally speaking, he didn’t care if someone labeled him a devil because in his experience, he was far more suited to reign in hell than serve in heaven. But her venom surprised him. Clearly, she wanted to punish him for something. Not that he hadn’t done enough to warrant such bile but he’d at least like to know from which direction the ire was spitting. “I’m flattered,” he said, enjoying how his control caused her to get carelessly brash. Usually, that was his M.O. Watching someone else suffer from the same driving emotion was enlightening. Now he knew why Nolan was always telling him to calm down. “What’s your name?” he asked. She glared at him, buttoning her lip. He shrugged. “Okay, play hard to get but you’re not the only one with Google fu, little dove. Better yet, I pay people to find me answers. I’ll have your name, your social security number, your address, and if you currently owe any parking tickets within a day and your little show of defiance will get you nothing but my irritation for wasting my time.”
    “Let me go. You can’t legally hold me.” He grinned and she startled, openly wary. “What’s so funny? Not even you are above the law.”
    Vince dropped his smile. “You’d be surprised what I find myself above and below these days. If you don’t tell me what I want to know, you’ll find a marked difference in my hospitality. Pray you don’t push me beyond my limits of control.”
    Her eyes widened and he realized they were a deep shade of blue. “Are you holding me hostage?” she gasped.
    “Depends on how you look at it,” he replied. “I prefer to consider you a guest while we sort out this mess you’ve put yourself into.”
    “A guest who can’t leave,” she added and he shrugged again. “That’s a prisoner.”
    “Well, as cages go, I’d say this is more uptown than the usual fare.”
    “A cage no matter how
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