The Brotherhood: America's Next Great Enemy
good relations some top Egyptian military brass have had with the Pentagon, the fact is that some of the most important members of al Qaeda and other jihadist organizations have served in the Egyptian armed forces. 23
    In March 2013, the Washington Times reported that the Brotherhood was attempting to stack the military and police forces with Islamists and that overt Islamists were for the first time being admitted to Egypt’s military academy. 24
    ■ On September 11, 2012, a mob of Egyptian Islamists—led by the brother of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri—rioted outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo. Several of them scaled the walls and tore down the American flag, replacing it with the black flag of al-Qaeda. 25 Morsi made no public statement of condemnation or regret until three days after the incident, and only after pressure from the Obama White House. 26
    On the same day that the American Embassy in Cairo was stormed, a mob of al-Qaeda–linked terrorists carried out a well-planned, coordinated assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. Then, on September 13 and 14, Islamist mobs stormed the American embassies in Yemen and Tunis, with the Tunisians, like their Egyptian counterparts, raising the black flag of al-Qaeda over the building. 27
    Egypt. Libya. Yemen. Tunisia. All four are so-called “Arab Spring” countries in which the Obama administration supported “regime change”—to disastrous ends.
    ■ On November 22, 2012, just one day after the New York Times published an article in which Obama administration officials praised Morsi effusively for his role in helping to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the budding pharaoh made a move for absolute power. Morsi issued a decree banning any opposition to his laws and decisions as president.
    The announcement sparked riots and violence in Egypt that, as I write this in May 2013, are still flaring up from time to time around the country. Reports have also surfaced of Brotherhood and Salafi thugs raping women in Cairo, 28 setting up torture chambers to brutalize Morsi’s opponents, 29 and enforcing sharia law. In December 2012, Morsi signed into law a new constitution enshrining sharia principles. It was written by the Islamist parliament and approved by 64 percent of Egyptian voters. Tellingly, the sessions during which the constitution was drafted were boycotted by Christians and secularists, who claimed—rightly—that the process had been hijacked by the Brotherhood and its Salafist allies. 30
    For Christians and secularists, things promise only to get worse. But no worries. According to the New York Times , “Mr. Obama told aides he was impressed with the Egyptian leader’s pragmatic confidence. He sensed an engineer’s precision with surprisingly little ideology.” Obama, the Times reported, considered Morsi “a straight shooter.” 31
    No American president has so sorely misjudged an Islamic leader since Jimmy Carter praised Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini as a “fellow man of faith.” 32

    For the Muslim Brothers, the glorification of holy war and martyrdom found in their official creed is more than just words. For close to a century, the Brotherhood and its affiliates—which include Hamas—have engaged in terrorism and assassinations. Al-Banna’s followers even collaborated with the Nazis in an effort to exterminate the Jews of the Middle East during World War II. A few years later, in 1948, the Brotherhood sent battalions to fight alongside Arab armies in their invasion of Israel.
    Today, the Brotherhood refuses to recognize Israel’s right to exist and propagates the kind of outlandish, anti-Jewish conspiracy theories that were commonplace in the infamous Nazi propaganda rag, Der Sturmer . It’s no surprise, then, that the Brotherhood spawned one of Israel’s fiercest enemies, the terrorist group Hamas. It is also no surprise that in October 2012,
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