The Boarding School Experiment
good.” Piper dug in her purse and removed a small lip gloss and a compact. After she finished, she held the mirror up and passed me the tube. I layered on a coat of the sparkle-red.
    Piper winked. “Now I’m ready to find Jacob. Catch you in a few.”
    As soon as she left, I veered right and headed down the corridor, away from the influx of guests. If the school administrators would believe I switched my test for Rhys’s and put him in my spot, I’d speak up—even if doing so meant everyone thought I was a cheat and hated me. But I couldn’t guarantee that the outcome wouldn’t be a full audit or retest and I wasn’t risking Piper’s future without even talking to Rhys first.
    Maybe I should wait until Alaska to confess. Surely, they’d change me out with Rhys without an investigation if we were that far away. I put the cup to my lips but tasted only fumes. Only a few drops of the bitter beer remained at the bottom of the white well. Weird, I’d never finished a whole beer before. I usually carried the cup to keep people off my back.
    Laughter ahead drew me into a game room. A small group sat on the hardwood floor, in front of the big screen, playing Spin-the-Bottle. Thane was with them. He wore jeans and a pale blue T-shirt. No doubt someone had told him the color matched his eyes. What an ego. The bottle’s neck swiveled and landed on him. I expected him to jump up, bow, or rate his own kiss, but he said nothing. His perfect mouth tightened, ruining its curve and the girl beside him snickered. Her laughter had a mean edge. I followed her gaze and realized why. Thane’s ex, Portia, was here tonight and she was the spinner. I laughed too. Thane had to kiss his cheating ex-girlfriend. Good one.
    Portia snatched the bottle. “Oh, I don’t think so. Spinner’s choice.” Her gaze jumped over the girls in the circle and peered through the crowd. Her eyes narrowed and she pointed the cap. “You.”
    Me ?
    The laughter increased in volume and meanness. One guy said, “Yeah. Let’s show them what isolation in Alaska looks like.” He jumped up and snagged my elbow. Two football players grabbed Thane and a third opened a closet door. They shoved him in. “Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
    I wrenched my arm to pull free, and my skin burned with the effort. “Don’t.” The behemoth must have benched more than my body weight daily because my struggles weren’t affecting him at all. He dragged me across the hardwood. Swinging my free arm, I went for a right hook.
    “Oh no,” one of the other barbarians said, laughing. He grabbed my waist and they pushed me into the closet with Thane.
    I landed against a wool coat, and the musty smell was a welcome reprieve when compared to the cologne worn by the behemoths. I pitied their dates. More laughter sounded from the other side of the door. I turned, banged on the wooden surface, and jiggled the handle. It refused to open.
    Furniture scraped against the floor. The scraping stopped with a thump. They’d barricaded us in with something heavy. My breath came in pants and I stared at the doorknob, trying to think of a way free.
    Thane sank to a seated position. “What? No kiss?”
    He didn’t sound pissed at all.
    “Great friends you got there.” Narrow light shone under the bottom of the door. I dropped to my hands and knees, keeping my gaze on the gap, and touched the light with one finger. “Nice girlfriend.”
    Thane didn’t respond to my observation. He shifted, making himself comfortable in our two-by-four space. “They’re going to pay.”
    It was the first time we’d ever fully agreed. “Yeah. They are.”
    He kicked out a foot, nudging my wrist. “This must be a dream come true for you.”
    And, we were back to disagreeing. I sank onto my butt and swiped at the winter coats hanging overhead, shoving the hems out of my way. When it was clear, I pushed Thane’s knees with mine, trying to steal some room. He stretched out his long legs, taking up more of my
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