The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure

The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure Read Online Free PDF
Author: Robert M. Collins
Angleton moved to Harvard Law School where he met his future wife Cicely d’Autremont of Duluth, MN. Inducted into the U.S. Army on 19 March 1943, Angleton was recruited into the OSS in August through the efforts of Angleton’s father and Norman Pearson, his old English professor from Yale who was, at that time, head of the OSS Counter Intelligence division in London (1).
    A ngleton as CIA Agent in OSS X-2 Operations During WWII
    James Angleton was assigned the Rome desk after Italy’s capitulation to the Allies and was made an OSS Lieutenant who ran CI activities that included such countries as Austria, Germany, Spain, the Mediterranean, and Switzerland. As part of OSS operations in the European Theatre of Operations, Angleton mastered the art of “black” propaganda and “playback,” i.e., the method of reading the effectiveness of one’s own disinformation on the enemy. In 1944, he was given charge of the OSS Special Counterintelligence Unit Z made up of U.S. and British agents and was the youngest member of X-2 and the only American member that was allowed access to the top secret British ULTRA code breaking intelligence.
         After the war, Angleton was promoted to captain and received the Legion of Merit award from the U.S. Army, which cited him for successfully apprehending over a thousand enemy intelligence agents.
         He was also decorated by the Italian government and was awarded the Order of the Crown of Italy, the Order of Malta-Cross of Malta, and the Italian War Cross for Merit.
         In October 1945, President Truman dissolved the OSS, and had all the research, analysis units moved to the State Department and operational units to the War Department. The OSS was re-named the Strategic Services Unit (SSU).
         Angleton stayed on in the SSU in Rome and became the vital station chief in charge of the 2677th Regiment. They made Angleton the senior U.S. intelligence officer in Italy until it became the Central Intelligence Group, forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (2).
    The Making of James Angleton as Master Spy Hunter
    Angleton’s war experience in counterintelligence operations had affected him to the extent that he became absorbed into the ‘hall of mirrors’ world of intelligence and refused to leave despite the insistence and disappointment of his father. James would pour over the many CI files he amassed while in Italy and was forever changed by the intrigue and the possibilities of a career in the CIG. In the summer of 1947, he returned to the United States to live in Tucson, AZ with his wife and family, but his love for the service was overpowering and, on 30 December 1947, he was hired by the CIA as a senior aide to the director of the Office of Special Operations (OSO) (3).
         It was during this period that Army G-2 and other intelligence agencies were trying to crack the Soviet VENONA code used by espionage agents operating in the United States. These agents were sending back sensitive information regarding the Manhattan Project based at Los Alamos, NM. It is possible that Angleton was on special assignment prior to officially reporting to OSO who had the responsibility of running counterespionage operations (4).
         His primary mission in OSO included overseeing a classified component that operated espionage and counterespionage activities abroad. He read all the sensitive material coming across his desk and then passed them back to OSO operators in countries where the CIA had interests. In 1949, Angleton had moved up the chain of command within OSO and held a GS-15 position. Angleton developed a philosophy that, “If you control counterintelligence, you control the intelligence service,” and quickly realized the significance of the B-29 detection of Joe-1, the Soviet’s first atomic weapon detonation in August 1949. Angleton knew the technology required by the Soviets was not home grown, but rather the product of
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