Alchemy. Ferren’s Keep is a popular post.”
“Well, this is a surprise.”
I spun around and came face-to-face with the leader of Ferren’s Keep, an imposing if slightly short woman in her early forties with a blonde mane cropped close to the ears and steel-gray eyes that missed nothing. The woman knight had one of the most sought after posts in the entire kingdom.
Commander Nyx studied me, arms folded across her chest. “It’s nice to see you took me up on my offer, Mage Ryiah. I wasn’t sure you would after the prince’s announcement. A title can go to some people’s heads.”
I blushed. “It’s not my title yet.”
The woman raised a brow. “And what does the Crown have to say about that?”
“The king has agreed to let me serve on your regiment until the crown prince’s wedding… But I will always be a Combat mage of Jerar. No title can change that.”
“And you don’t expect any special accommodations while you are here? A private room? Or a high position in my regiment, perhaps? Because I promote solely based on performance.”
I stood my ground. “I would expect you to treat me the same as any other mage who enters your keep.”
At this Paige made a choking noise. “Certainly not! My lady, you cannot possibly think the women’s barracks are appropriate! You need a private chamber where I can see to your safety—”
“The barracks are fine.” I scowled at my guard. “I will be surrounded by hundreds of brave women who fight for our country. Who better to protect?”
“Me! The knight appointed by the king himself!”
“Well, your job just got a whole lot easier.”
Paige scowled and said nothing.
Commander Nyx cracked an amused smile, white teeth flashing. I was immediately struck by its oddity—like a sudden dunk in an icy bucket of water. The woman was made of frowns. “I assure you…what is your name again?”
“Paige,” the knight supplied shortly.
“Well, Paige, my men and women are just as capable as your regiment in the capital. Ryiah will be in good hands.” Nyx’s gaze fell to someone behind us and she made a momentary gesture. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend. Ray, Ryiah will be serving on your squad with the rest of the newcomers. I expect you to introduce her to Sir Gavin first thing in the morning. Paige, while you are here you can serve alongside your charge so long as you defer to her squad leader’s command. I believe the King’s Regiment orders only decreed Ryiah’s safe transport to and from my keep, did they not?”
Paige grumbled an unutterable reply as I thanked the commander for her time. Nyx withdrew back into the crowded hall and Paige made a sniffing noise beside me.
“I don’t like the commander.”
I stifled a snort. “You don’t like anyone. You don’t even like me.”
“Well, I really don’t like her.”
Ray and I exchanged weary glances as the knight snatched a half-eaten loaf off someone’s leftover plate and began to devour it all the while giving us an irritable expression. “What?” she spat. “I’m useless so long as you are surrounded by ‘capable’ others. I might as well eat. Or is that something else I must defer to this Gavin to do?”
Ray gave me a sympathetic clap on the shoulder. “I’m off to scrounge up a wash before the rest of the men get to the baths.” He jerked his chin in the direction of Paige. “Good luck with… things.”
As soon as he was gone I turned to my guard with a sigh. “You are going to be stuck with me for a long time. A little cheer once in a while certainly wouldn’t hurt your cause.”
“Cheer is for fools with idle minds. I am neither a fool nor idle.”
And that was the end of that.
The next morning came much too soon. I had spent most of the evening before catching up with some of the regiment women I had met the year prior during the apprenticeship in our barracks. By the time the morning bell echoed down the keep’s narrow walls I was