The Billionaire's Convenient Bride: A BWWM Billionaire Love Story
events. Plus… you are putting up with me.”
         He raised his head and looked at her. She was staring at him with wide eyes.
         “If you do it,” he said, and sipped his coffee.
         She continued to stare at him, seemingly adding up figures in her head.
         He sipped his coffee again.
         “So… will you do it?” he asked, feeling uncomfortable under the lock of her stare.
         She shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this.”
         He set his coffee cup down and looked at her anxiously.
         “Yes,” she said eventually.
         He grinned from ear to ear. “Great! That’s fantastic! I’ll let Nelson know right away so he can get all the details taken care of for you. I’ll give you his number. Please call him this morning. He’ll want to get all your information, and you need to tell him what kind of car you want so he can have it delivered today. Oh! You’ll need to go shopping and get some new clothes…” He looked at her work outfit and then looked back at her eyes. “Uh, all new clothes. You have to look the part of a billionaire’s girlfriend, and stop by the salon, too, please. Get your hair done, nails, the works. I’ll give you an extra allowance for that, that’s all so you can fit the job description, so I’ll pay for all of that.”
         She giggled and smiled at him, finally, and he smiled back at her.
         “This means you’ll have to date me quite a bit over the next couple of months, so that people believe us when we get married,” he said in a hushed voice.
         “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” she said with a slow shake of her head.
         He shook his head as well and whispered to her, “Me either. I’ve never had to pay a woman to date me before.”
         She rolled her eyes and wrote her number down on a piece of paper, then slid it over to Peter. “Here. Give this to Nelson and have him call me. I have to go back to work.”
         Peter looked at her in horror. “No, you don’t!” he said unapologetically.
         “Yes, I do. I have to tender my resignation.” She smiled at him, and then turned and walked out of the door.
         He sank down in his chair and finished his coffee, not entirely sure that he was making the right choice, but hoping that it was just what his life needed to be turned around. Then he called Nelson and broke the news to him.

    Emmaline spent the next week in a flurry of activity. It began with quitting her job and walking out of the sweet little restaurant in the Quarter, and then meeting Nelson. He was incredibly efficient and she was quite impressed with him. He called her within fifteen minutes of her newfound freedom, and he was in the quarter to pick her up in Peter’s limousine within twenty minutes. He took her to the bank first and opened some accounts in her name, making enormous deposits in them and while she was signing paperwork and finalizing her new accounts, he was on the phone arranging to have the car she wanted delivered to the house that afternoon.
         The rest of that day and several days after that as well, were filled with shopping for new clothes, going for hair and nail appointments, spa treatments, and furniture shopping for her new room at his enormous house. His house was one of the biggest mansions in the city, and it was nestled on a quiet street in an older neighborhood; it was a grand old masterpiece with wooden floors and tall wide windows. There was a beautiful courtyard and an indoor and outdoor pool that were connected and partially covered by a sliding wall of glass.
         There were big old gardens with huge towering trees and flowers blooming all over everything that nature touched. The courtyard was lit with hanging strings of soft lights and old fashioned wrought iron gas street lamps that gave off a warm glow. It surprised her because none of it seemed like him at
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