least be on TV this time …” A’ma winces.
“I told you A’ma, that’s not what I do. I’m a cameraperson.”
A’ma frowns as she turns up the television. She doesn’t think my job is suitable for a girl, but I think it suits me just fine. Besides, I’m glad I’m not on the tube. One less thing for her to criticize.
“Now you have your medicine, your dinner is cooking, anything else you need?”
A’ma grins. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Mija.”
Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s the truth or if it’s part of her act. The two intertwine seamlessly. “I know A’ma. Oh, I also may have to go back by the church. I left my bag there.” And just like that her grin is eaten by a monstrous frown.
I never understood why A’ma hates the church so much. Though she never attends, it was her who initially brought me to St. Peter’s all those years ago. Only nine at the time, I distinctively remember my mother combing my hair, dressing me in a homemade flowery dress and dropping me off in front of the intimidating structure. Her only words were, “I’ll be back in two hours to pick you up.” And I definitely didn’t understand her disdain for Deacon Nichols. She’s hardly ever interacted with the man, much less know him. Besides the few times he walked me to the car as a kid, the two never spoke. I guess there must be a small place somewhere deep inside the complex woman that wants, or at least wanted faith ingrained in me. So in many ways I’m grateful to her for introducing me to an aspect of life I hold so dear.
Chapter 5
“What took you so long, daddy?” Christina whispers.
“Huh?” I mumble. Distracted by emotion, I barely make sense of her words. “Oh you know those doctors,” I regroup. “They love to talk to Daddy.”
“What do you talk about?” my delicate child murmurs. “About me?”
I make an effort to perk up. This is not about me in the least bit. I do my best to smile as I approach the bed. “About you, about birds, about trees, about … monsters .”
She slightly turns her head. “Monsters? Uhh unnn.”
Kneeling beside the bed, I softly rub my nose against Christina’s. “Uh hunn .” It takes every ounce of energy in my being to hide the anguish that brews inside.
“Uh unnn”
“Uh hunn”
Alicia smiles as Christina and I go back and forth.
“You guys having fun?” says a voice from the door.
The smile I once entertained leaves. “Can I help you, Chap ?”
Standing at the door is a man dressed in faded blue jeans, slightly worn white tennis shoes, and a speckled blue blazer. Modern bifocals protrude over his nose. He wears a black buttoned-down shirt with a white circular collar. Slight blemishes in his coffee skin tone bear signs of a middle-aged man. His coarse hair has already begun to recede.
“And how’s my little Chrissy?” he asks, seemingly ignoring my question.
“Hey Chappy Brynint ,” says Christina, her front two teeth missing as she smiles. I hate to admit it but her face lights up at the sight of this man.
“Ok, Chap,” I grunt. “You said your hellos, thanks for stopping—”
Alicia cuts me off. “Zeek stop it. I asked him to come.” Her tone softens as she addresses our company. “I’m sorry Chaplain Bryant.”
“Oh no problem at all,” he says before glancing my direction. “I’m glad to see you’re doing as well as usual , Mr. Myers.”
Like him, I ignore the comment as I move closer to the door. I don’t care for the Chaplain’s visits, but Alicia requests his presence and Christina seems to enjoy the man.
“ Chappy Brynint ?” She could never get his name quite right. “Say the brayer with me, please.” Matter of fact, there were several words she hasn’t quite mastered.
“Sure sweetie,” he answers. “You wanna join us Alicia?”
“But of course.” Alicia moves to the other side of the bed. They each clutch one of Christina’s small hands.
“Think we should let your dad join