The Aebeling

The Aebeling Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Aebeling Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael O'Neill
are too late, Conn il Taransay, I think that your visit is already troubling many people; certainly our Wothbora is troubled. There are many things that are confusing about you – and it is not only that you are unlike all people that we have seen, but that you suddenly appear in our forest without us knowing about it – and you have an Elfina horse that is not an Elfina. Can you tell us how you got here?’
    Conn repeated his story about the ‘teleporting’ caves mostly because a lie if told enough times can become the truth. Besides which, there was nothing else he could say. The truth would sound more ridiculous than Conn’s lies. They were quiet while he explained his journey so far. After he had finished, Brina looked at her elders and looked back to Conn.
    ‘That being what it may, what is even more unusual is for you, a Priecuman, to be able to understand the language of the Twacuman. It has been nearly five hundred years since the last person died.’
    She paused a moment, sighed, and then continued. ‘And then there are the Rakians hunting in our forest. It is a long time since men have tried to do such a thing. Their chance of success would be so low as to be insignificant – they must be very desperate men. They were very lucky to get as far as they did. It seems that they entered via Lykia rather than Rakia – which is why they were missed. We will need to be more vigilant.’
    They paused for some time in contemplation. Conn didn’t feel he could add anything of value so waited. After a while Brina continued.
    ‘Stranger still is that my granddaughter would wander off by herself – with only two companions. Even though this is our home, it is normal for us to travel with caution. And of course discovery of the holtwudu is another event beyond reasonable explanation. They are never found by accident.’
    Brina looked to the others for inspiration and they shook their heads. She then turned to Abrekan.
    ‘Abrekan, it seems that you unwittingly had a part to play in these strange events,’ the Aebeling continued, ‘tell us why you are so late this year?’
    He stood. ‘Aebeling, I cannot explain the chain of events that caused my delays. It has been a poor season for wine in Trokia, so I was in Moetiak to buy skins, which I was successful at doing. However, on my return to Trokia the vessel we sailed on hit something in the water and sank. Luckily we were close to land so we all made it to shore but everything else was lost. When I finally got back to Moetiak, I had lost weeks. I was going to come direct from Moetiak but there was no longer any suitable wine available. I then learnt that a cargo of wine was available in Sabatah and I bought that – but getting a ship took time. From Sabatah, I travelled directly here, and since leaving I have made excellent time. So I am later than I should be, but earlier than I expected.’
    Brina nodded. ‘All of that is strange as well. Nothing is as it should be; and those things that aren’t as they should be, cannot be explained. Were it that the Gyden gave guidance in times like this, but it would seem that they are silent.’
    She returned to look at Conn.
    ‘Without your intervention the Halani nation would be in great mourning, so you have our thanks, and it goes without saying that we are greatly indebted. I understand that you saved Derryth’s life by removing the arrow and repaired the wound.’
    ‘I did what I could – I’m very glad that it seems to have worked.’
    ‘Indeed’. You are a lucky man to have three Twacuman who have a life debt with you, and we will just have to wait to see where all this leads. We have prepared a longhouse for you all. We fear that the mountain passes will soon be covered in snow – and it is early in the season – one moon earlier than it should, so we expect that you will be our guest until the spring at least. Abrekan, you and your sons have the use of your usual longhouse. You are welcome as
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