allowing invaders to keep any lands they attempted to claim if the Empire had already conquered them. The same policy, already used by the English, created an ongoing race, involving skirmishes between nations, in order to gain some of the most strategic footholds around the world.
The letter Phineas held in his hands was penned by that very same man who had started the paranoia which laid the foundation for the new American Empire.
‘Doctor Heisenberger,’ it read, ‘I have reviewed the proposal for your “Monster Soldier” and have decided that your program would be of benefit to this great Empire of ours. Funds and all necessary materials will be at your disposal. Proceed with the utmost haste. The wolves are at our door. Let us send them something more vicious. Sincerely, Abraham Lincoln.’
A monster soldier. Phineas dug through the desk until he found what he was looking for: the doctor’s private journal. Scanning through it, he found the first entry regarding the monster soldier.
‘ I have set forth a proposal to the President. The man is mad enough that he might just approve of it. I received word of his desire to create soldiers to set upon our enemies once war is declared, soldiers who would be unstoppable and who will strike fear into the very hearts of our enemies’ people. My eugenics experiments would greatly benefit from the money involved and the fool would provide me with the materials necessary…’
‘…I have been selected and approved to proceed with my project. Little do they know, this is the beginning of their end…’
‘…work has begun in an underground facility. I have convinced the President, now Emperor, of the need for secrecy should enemies of the States try to stop us. Workers have been assigned to me and they will build my new lair to my specifications…’
‘…the complex is finished. The workers have concealed the entrance in the sewers where we may come and go in secrecy. Before they could leave, I threw them a party and the fools were rendered unconscious with a bit of tainted alcohol. Those who built my lair will become the first inhabitants as my slave army. No one will know where I am…’
‘Success…one month to transform an ordinary man into a controllable monstrous killing machine. The process, unfortunately, has rendered them unable to breathe normal air. A gaseous form of the chemical bath in which they are cultivated is required for them to survive. Environmental suits, like those of sea divers, must also cover their bodies at all times. They are slow, but magnificently strong. I have sent them out to garner more test subjects. Soon, my army will grow and all will be helpless to stop me. I will be Emperor soon.’
‘…The city is already cowering in terror and I have yet to begin my conquest. I have been sending them out only at night to increase the fear in the populace. Incubation time has been reduced to twenty days. Some subjects have retained a fragment of intelligence. They have shown a level of thought that the others do not possess. They should make excellent lieutenants for the rest.’
Phineas put down the journal, now sick to his stomach. This is all that it was? A crazed man’s goal to take over the Empire? For some reason, Phineas felt empty. All this time, wondering what was behind the abductions, the fear and the unknown…it was nothing more than a madman’s political coup.
He absorbed what he had read. Twenty days for incubation…that meant that the Dolonites had been active for the better part of the month, but why, if their master had been dead all this time, would they continue their mission? Unless continuing the mission was their prime goal until told otherwise…which meant that if they were not stopped…the entire city would be inhabited by Dolonites.
There had to be a weakness. Obviously, their inability to function outside their environmental suits was their biggest flaw; however, as Phineas had witnessed, it was no