The Abyss Surrounds Us
shrink back a little. Looking at her is like looking into hell itself.
    â€œWelcome aboard the Minnow , Cassandra,” she says. She must have searched the Nereid ’s file system, must have pulled data to find out exactly who she’s taken prisoner. “I’m Santa Elena. You can call me that, or Captain. Swift here is a big fan of ‘boss,’ but I don’t think we’re quite on those terms yet.”
    Everyone in this room could kill me, and most of them look like they want to. Swift and Varma have joined their captain on the dais. They stand next to three others at Santa Elena’s right, and I start to understand the hierarchy on this ship a little more. The pirates that crowd the room are the regulars, the muscle. On Santa Elena’s left sits a child. He can’t possibly be more than ten years old, and I’m stumped about his role until she ruffles his hair, a soft smile breaking over her cruel features. He has to be her son—by blood, it looks like, given the golden brown skin and wide nose they share.
    But the five to the captain’s right are different. They’re all kind of young-looking compared to most of the crew, and unlike some of the crowd, their eyes never leave Santa Elena. Something sets them apart—some favor of the captain has elevated them to this position.
    It seems like they’re her protégées. It’d explain why Swift is such a showoff.
    â€œYou’re quiet,” Santa Elena purrs. She hauls herself upright and stands, the dress falling elegantly around her ankles as she steps from the dais and approaches me. “I’d imagine you’re bursting with questions. Can’t hurt to ask them.”
    I’m not going to give her the satisfaction of my curiosity. I wonder why I’m here, why the Reckoner trainer was the only one worth kidnapping on a ship that carried so many wealthy tourists, but the first words that leave my mouth are “What happened to the Nereid ?”
    â€œDepends. If someone responded to the distress call, there’s a very large chance that the passengers will be rescued before the ship sinks. If not … ” She doesn’t need to finish the sentence. The devilish smile that spreads across her face tells me everything I need to know. “And we killed the crew that resisted, of course. We have to be efficient about these things.”
    â€œWhat did you take?”
    I catch the slight twitch of her upper lip, see her resist the urge to sneer at me. “You. Cash, and a few finer goods. Food, to replenish our stock. No electronics—we don’t want anything that could be sending out a signal. The dress is new. Do you like it?”
    I draw my lips tight. My wetsuit is drying out and starting to itch, and I have to fight to keep myself standing as still as possible.
    â€œWhen I ask a question, I’d like you to answer, Cassandra.” She lashes out and grabs the collar of my wetsuit, dragging me toward her until I’m staring up into her deep brown eyes.
    I can’t blink. Not now. “It’s beautiful,” I tell her flatly, and it isn’t a lie.
    Her fingers go slack, and as she draws back, I notice a tattoo of a small fish over her heart. Santa Elena doesn’t miss the way my eyes travel. This time she really does smirk. “Like it? Every loyal member of my crew has the ship’s namesake inked on their body somewhere important. See, for me this ship is my life, my beating heart. So my Minnow is right here.” She folds a hand over her breast. Her smile turns goading. “Maybe you’ll earn yours someday.”
    I don’t have the words nor the courage to tell her that’s never going to happen. I grit my teeth and stand a little straighter, fighting to keep down the question that’s burning inside me. She wants me to say it, wants me to cave to her will, and I can’t let her have her way. I’ve got to show her that no
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