The Abomination

The Abomination Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Abomination Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jonathan Holt
four years to programme. [9]
    Carnivia is unusual in that users encounter almost no instructions telling them what it is for or how it should be used. It was initially assumed that it was intended as a social network for Venetians. It soon became apparent, however, that the site granted its users an unusually high degree of anonymity, and it quickly gained a reputation amongst those who preferred to conceal their real identities. It has been described as “a Facebook for hackers . . . an unregulated, unlicensed marketplace, not unlike its real-life counterpart once was, where anything from wild rumours to stolen financial details can be bought or sold for a price.” [7]
    Barbo himself claimed in a rare Usenet post that the creation of Carnivia was not driven by any particular purpose. “Galileo said, ‘Mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe.’ I thought it would be interesting to program a virtual world from pure mathematical principles. What people do with that world is really up to them.” [8]
    Growth of Carnivia
    In a move considered ground-breaking at the time, Carnivia incorporated full cross-functionality with other technologies including Facebook, Google Mail, Twitter and Google Earth. This allows the user to leave anonymous messages on other sites, a process implicated in internet stalking. [10] Users can also “tag” social networks with untraceable information, such as rumours, or send encrypted messages.
    Anti-pornography campaigners have highlighted the sexual nature of much Carnivia traffic. [13] In 2011 Barbo refused to allow the Italian authorities access to Carnivia’s servers to check for illegal material, in breach of national and international laws.
    It was subtly done. Almost every individual fact or reference was genuine, but the whole was cleverly constructed to suggest more than was actually stated. The juxtaposition of the pornography accusation, for example – failing to mention that it came in an article that also named MySpace, YouTube and a multitude of other websites – and the judicial application by the authorities to open up his servers for scrutiny – again, an application that had been made to many internet businesses – gave the impression that it was specifically pornography they were looking for, when the real issue was whether a government had the right to pry into what its citizens were doing online. The suggestion of psychological flaws, too, was mostly between the lines. It was true that he rarely went out, but when you loathed crowds, living in the most-visited city on earth made doing so an unrewarding, even distasteful experience. As for the implication that he had created Carnivia as a kind of refuge from the real world – well, that had more merit, though probably not in the way the writer had intended.
    His reverie was interrupted by the lawyer, gesturing to get his attention.
    â€œThe judge is back.”
    He nodded, stepping back from the door as the guards came towards him with the handcuffs. The prosecution had requested that, like some captured beast, Daniele Barbo must be chained in court, and the judge had agreed. It was yet more confirmation that the sentence would be “Guilty”. That Italy’s justice system was infinitely corruptible didn’t surprise him; that someone was bothering to spend so much time and money using it to destroy him did.
    They must be desperate , he found himself thinking. Why?
    The courtroom would be full of people, and even when he left it there would be journalists, cameras . . . For a moment he found himself wishing he could stay down there, in the relative calm of the cell. But even as he was being led up the stairs his mind was already planning ahead, analysing and probing, rewriting the future as if it were a piece of software that had to be debugged and re-engineered before it would function as he wished.

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