That Night with You
insisted I order from his favorite Italian
restaurant for lunch,” Emma went on.
    Adam glanced up and smiled. “I love
Italian. Will you be joining us, Emma?”
    “ I have letters to type for
Mr. Parr.” The curvy secretary gave Adam a dubious grin. “You two
have a nice lunch.” She quickly closed the door, leaving Madison
and Adam alone.
    “ I think she likes me,”
Adam proposed with a touch of bravado.
    Madison glared at him. “She was being
polite, Adam.”
    He bobbed his eyebrows playfully.
“There was a connection between us. Didn’t you feel it?”
    Madison studied him as he sauntered
over to the picture windows. “Are you always this way with
    “ What way?”
    “ Confident.”
    “ Sure, I guess. I found
with women it isn’t so much a matter of confidence, but just
getting up to bat. So many guys I know are afraid to talk to a
woman they find attractive, and miss out on an opportunity.” He
pointed his thumb to his chest. “I make it a point to never miss
out on an opportunity.” His eyes once again glided over her figure.
“Normally, with an attractive woman like you, I would ask you out,
but since we’re going to be working together, that would be a bad
idea. Don’t want to make work more stressful for either one of us
by adding sex to the situation.” His irksome snicker filled the
    Madison felt her patience for her new
co-worker quickly waning. “I’m amazed you haven’t found Ms. Right
with that attitude.”
    “ Who says I want to find
Ms. Right? I’m not interested in settling down any time soon. I
want to get my career going first, get some money, and maybe when
I’m in my thirties I’ll start looking for a wife.” He shrugged.
“Men don’t have to settle as young as you girls do. I mean, our
biological clocks have no expiration date.”
    Madison’s jaw dropped
slightly. I’m going to have to share an
office with this butt wipe !
    “ What about you?” Adam
moved away from the window. “You got a boyfriend?”
    “ No,” she answered
    “ Why not? You’re not a
lesbian, are you?”
    Right when she was about to reply, the
sound of the conference room door opening distracted her. Adjusting
her attitude, Madison plastered a stellar smile on her face,
expecting to meet her new boss, but when she turned, her stomach
dropped to the floor. Standing inside the doorway, with an
irresistible smile that melted into her soul, was the man from the
elevator earlier that morning. His smoky eyes were glued to her,
and as she felt the air in the room grow thin.
    He had removed his suit jacket, and
his white dress shirt allowed a tantalizing glimpse of his muscular
chest beneath. His head tilted slightly to the side as he watched
her, and Madison became undone as his assertive confidence
overpowered the room like the heady bouquet of red wine rising from
a glass. His thin, red lips dropped their smile when his gaze
drifted to Adam, standing beside her.
    “ So how do you two like
Parr and Associates?” he asked, walking into the room.
    “ Ah, Mr. Parr,” Adam all
but drooled as he rushed up to the man, “thank you so much for
having us for lunch today.”
    Adam’s sucking up did nothing to
change Madison’s quickly diminishing opinion of her co-worker. She
stayed back as he eagerly pumped Mr. Parr’s hand.
    Adam stepped aside, and Madison
swallowed back her nerves when she saw the handsome man once again
turn to her. “We haven’t met.” He came toward her. “I’m Hayden
Parr.” He took her hand. “I was out of town the day Don Worthy
interviewed you for the position. I wish I could have been here.”
He slowly squeezed her hand as his eyes searched hers. “You don’t
know how long I’ve been waiting to meet you, Ms.
    For a moment, Madison was perplexed by
an odd sensation that she had met this man before. Quickly
reminding herself of their previous encounter in the elevator, she
chalked up her strange feelings to nerves.
    “ So, Mr.
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