Tessa's Escape to Athena's Ground

Tessa's Escape to Athena's Ground Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tessa's Escape to Athena's Ground Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brianna Salera
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Contemporary
Carmen’s voice was calm, but stern. Tessa thought, part mother and part drill sergeant .
    “I meant no insult,” Tessa said, surprised that her voice no longer shook. “I understand, then, that my field therapy may become physical, if I allow it to be. Otherwise…”
    Carmen nodded. “Before that point, we’ll have spent a good amount of time in a more traditional therapeutic setting and mode. You and I, if you decide to join us, will spend time, right here in this office. I’ll get to know you, and you’ll learn about me. You’ll come to understand what makes Tessa tick, emotionally and sexually. I’ll learn the same, and with that knowledge I will design a field therapy plan.” Carmen’s eyes softened, and the part mother emerged. “Tessa, I will assign field therapists that have the skills and personality best suited to challenge, but not overwhelm, you. The goal is to push you to discover your emotional self and physical sexuality, in a healthy way.”
    Tessa had spent months with a grief counselor and had several sessions with various psychiatrists. She understood traditional talk therapy. What she didn’t understand, and what still scared the bejeezus out of her, was ‘field therapy.’
    “Okay, but I’m not completely clear about the field therapy part.”
    Carmen explained after their office sessions Tessa would be sent on a trip. To Tessa’s friends, family and co-workers, it would look exactly like a vacation at some fabulous resort, and in some ways, that is what it would be. However, during this ‘vacation’ Tessa would have sessions with several different field therapists. Those sessions would target specific sexual issues and, if successful, Tessa would leave with positive sexual experiences and, more important, more freedom from her painful past.
    Tessa thought it all still sounded scary, but the last part was the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. If she could be free of her past trauma and hang-ups, she could be free to find love again, with someone who honored her in a way that even Mark had not. With David, perhaps, or if not him, someone else. And even if she never found love, she would at least be at peace.
    But Carmen brought up an interesting question.
    “You said therapists, plural. Why more than one?” Tessa asked.
    “At this stage clients are still discovering themselves, and therefore still quite vulnerable. We learned that it is too easy for a client to become emotionally attached to the field therapist, so we limit exposure to one set of sessions.”
    “Set of sessions?”
    Carmen smiled again. “Think of a set of sessions as a prolonged date. Maybe you meet for breakfast, then again for an afternoon at the beach, then again for a late evening dinner. Like that.”
    When put that way, it didn’t sound so intimidating. “If I choose to have sexual activity with field therapists, how can I be assured there is no danger of sexually transmitted disease?”
    “Immediately prior to your field therapy, all parties will be tested. This will include you. Although you didn’t mention it, we will also ensure you are protected against pregnancy. You signed a medical records release, but I won’t have them for a few days.”
    “I don’t currently take the pill,” Tessa offered. “It seems pointless.”
    Carmen nodded. “We’ll address a mode of birth control for you during our clinical sessions in the office. Additionally, our field therapists are prepared to use condoms unless exempted by you and by the field therapy plan.”
    The whole thing was cosmic stupidity. Possibly immoral. Legally tenuous.
    “When do we start?” Tessa said. And her voice was clear and strong.



    Happy Labor Day, Tessa! I still can’t believe the summer is gone and we never got together. Can I say again how sorry I am I had to cancel hotdogs and Gatorade? May I repeat that it was my miserly boss who decided a trip wasn’t necessary? Arggg…who would have thought two such
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