Tell Me You Want Me

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Book: Tell Me You Want Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Amelia James
she'd tried on.
    Sara pulled another dress from the closet. "This?"
    Jane shook her head. "No, it's too cold for that."
    Her friend put the dress back. "I think you've exhausted your options."
    They'd spent the last couple of hours trying on everything in her closet and dresser. A heavy sigh came from the closet. Jane bit her lip, determined not to let her roommate's lack of enthusiasm bring her down. She'd hoped her own excitement would rub off on Sara, but no such luck.
    Sara frowned at the mountain of clothes on her roommate's bed. "Do you want to go through my closet?"
    Jane glanced at the clock. "I don't have time."
    She looked back at the mirror, tilting her head as if she would like her reflection better from another angle, in her hot-pink lace bra and matching panties—bold and daring. Maybe Austin would get to see them, maybe not. A tingle shot through her just thinking about it. She'd tried on something sexy, something pretty, something plain. Now she wore something... well, something besides her underwear, at least, although Austin would probably rather have her show up naked. Heat rushed to her cheeks.
    "It would help if you knew where you were going." Sara picked through the clothes piled on the bed.
    "It would help if I had some decent boobs." Jane grabbed her chest with both hands and shoved her breasts together, trying to create some cleavage.
    "Guys like boobs no matter what size they are." Sara picked up a random shirt and tossed it at her friend.
    Jane scowled at the mirror, sticking her tongue out at the girl in the frilly dress. Nope, not it. She pulled off the dress and tossed it on the bed. Desperate to find something decent, she yanked open her dresser drawer and pulled on her favorite jeans. Not bad. She held up the shirt Sara threw at her—fitted, but not tight; simple, but not plain; bold red, but not flashy. That could work. She felt good in it. She felt like... Jane Elliot, and not like a girl trying to impress the campus stud.
    Maybe she was, but he didn't need to know that. "I think this is it."
    "Good." Sara picked up her backpack and her keys. "I have to go. Have fun and stay out of trouble." She offered a weak smile and left.
    Jane ignored her warning. Maybe a little trouble would be good for her.
    She'd felt Austin's presence in the library before she'd seen him. Her skin had tingled where his eyes touched her. No other man had ever looked at her like that. And when he'd called her Janie.... Oh wow. Jane had shivered. No one had called her Janie since she was six years old. She'd hated it then, but Austin made it sound so sexy. That's how he made her feel, too: sexy.
    One more look at the mirror and.... Shoes! She searched her closet and found a pair of high-heeled boots she'd bought months ago, but had never had the courage to wear. Giving in to a rare impulse, she slipped them on and stood up—a little shaky, but not too bad. The four-inch heels made her legs look longer, and gave her butt a nice boost. She felt so good in them, sexy and a little bit naughty. She felt like... Janie.
    Bad girl Janie nodded her approval.
    A quick look at the clock revealed that she had ten minutes—ack! Hair! She twisted it into a knot but that looked too severe, so she flipped it over her shoulders and let it fall down her back. Much better. Jane had to wear her glasses; she couldn't see without them. Hmmm... sexy librarian lets her hair down? She hoped so. Another look at the clock: seven minutes. She dashed to the living room and flipped through the channels while she waited for him, shivering as she relived their kiss.
    His hands had wandered over her body as if he owned it. She should've stopped him, but instead her fingers had slipped between the buttons on his shirt, and she'd touched his bare chest. If she'd let him continue, he would've had her naked before their first date, and then it would've been over. She wanted this—whatever it was—to last as long as it could.
    A brief flicker of doubt
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