Tell Me Something Good

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Book: Tell Me Something Good Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jamie Wesley
Renaissance man,” Tate answered.
    It took everything she had in her not to roll her eyes, but if they were going to survive the next few weeks, she had to remember to play nice.
    “I have layers,” Tate continued. “You have layers. You should give Noelle and me a chance. You never know. You might pick up some tips to help with your lady. You do have a lady, right?”
    “Oh, you know this.” Derek laughed.
    Just like that, he was putty in Tate’s hands. Smooth, as always.
    Ten minutes later, right before they returned from a commercial break, Noelle took a deep breath and sent up a silent prayer. They’d programmed the first segment well, so there hadn’t been much opportunity for discord, but that stretch was over.
    “It’s game time,” Tate said.
    Crap. Sports metaphors already? She’d hoped to avoid those for as long as possible. She sent him what she hoped was a self-assured smile and reached for her headphones. Tate grabbed for his, too. They slipped them on and turned toward each other. Her gaze latched on to the wide chest in front of her. Dangerous territory. Up her eyes went.
    Only to land on his full lips.
    “Ready to do this?” he asked.
    Before today, she’d never noticed how small the studio was. Tate was only one man, but he seemed to take up enough space for two.
    And his smell. She’d noticed it when they’d run into each other outside the elevator. She usually wasn’t one for men’s cologne, finding it too overpowering. But his scent, whatever it was, tickled her nose in a tantalizing manner. It was subtle, manly, and seemed to enhance his natural scent. A pleasurable tingle raced down her back as she caught another hint of it.
    “Sure,” she said, moving to the right, seeking some Tate-less air.
    They waited while Bobby counted down to the end of the break. At his signal, she adjusted her mic and got down to business. “Hi, it’s Noelle and Tate. Let’s talk about compromise in relationships, something Tate and I have been learning a lot about over the past few days.”
    “I don’t like compromise.” Tate shifted toward her, bringing another hit of his signature scent with him.
    Which she was going to ignore. Starting now. “What’s wrong with compromise, Tate?”
    “In my experience, when a woman trots out the word compromise, she really wants her man to do what she says.”
    She rolled her eyes. She didn’t even try to stop herself this time. Was he serious? “I disagree. I think if we’re honest, both men and women want their way, but we should be mature enough to know that’s not always going to happen, which is where compromise enters the conversation. To have a healthy relationship, each partner must realize that compromise is okay and that it must be genuine. Look for the best solution for both of you. If you’re genuinely opposed to the solution, speak up in a respectful way. Giving in and then sulking benefits neither party. As long-time listeners know, I advocate the three Cs: cool, commitment, and communication. If you follow the three Cs, compromise is the next logical step in a healthy relationship.”
    “You talk a good game, Dr. Noelle, but reality doesn’t match the ideal situation you’ve laid out. Speaking of your three Cs…”
    “I heard you discussing them yesterday.”
    “And?” Noelle lifted an eyebrow in an attempt to prove to him—and herself—that she wasn’t concerned about what he was about to say.
    Tate crossed his arms and offered up a smug smile. “And I came up with my own.”
    “I can’t wait to hear them.”
    “Be careful what you wish for. You might learn something. My three Cs are chill, cling-off, and change.”
    Foreboding skittered down her spine. “Please elaborate.”
    “Chill. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Don’t let her fool you into thinking you can’t live without her because you can. Cling-off is kind of like bug repellant. Don’t let her cling. Only be available as much as
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