Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1)

Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Tattoo My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mia Dymond
Tags: Romance, Mystery, Twins, love, fireman, tattoo, Jewelry, wedding, cop, sheriff, bakery
    “ Too easy .” He grinned at the other man . “ We’ll be outta here in a matter of minutes .”
    Annessa left the restaurant, took one look at her rental car, and then decided to leave it behind. Despite the cobwebs that still clouded her brain, she managed to come to the conclusion that walking would still allow her to blend in with the Seaside locals. Comforted by the tinted lenses, she looked left then right, and then began a brisk walk to Sweet Treats .
    With each step, her shoulders ached with tension and her gaze swept the area. Other than a few new businesses, Seaside hadn’t changed much since her last visit and several familiar faces smiled as she passed. She inhaled a deep breath of fresh clean air and pushed calm through her veins. Home. The one place that provided peace, comfort, and safety. Maybe she would consider staying this time.
    She turned the corner and stopped to study her reflection in the large front window of Seaside Drug. Dressed in her white cotton shorts and pale pink tank top, her hair pulled back into a ponytail, she didn’t look much different than when she’d left to make a name for herself in Los Angeles. Young, innocent, ready to take on the world. Most people would be surprised to know she hadn’t lost those attributes.
    She tucked a wayward piece of hair back into her ponytail, intending to stop soul searching when movement in the reflection caught her attention. Annessa stood morbidly still while a brown sedan eased around the corner, just barely in her sight. One driver and one passenger, both male and not familiar.
    Her heart thumped and adrenaline gathered in her veins as she fought the instinct to sprint the remaining distance to Vanessa’s bakery. Instead, she waited to allow logic to harness fear. Running would only attract attention. She’d wait to see if the car came any closer and then slip inside the drugstore if necessary. Besides, the occupants were most likely just nosey tourists.
    Seconds felt like minutes as her gaze never left the window and her fists opened and closed with nervousness. She eased closer to the store’s entrance while the car inched toward her as if playing a game of chicken. Annessa bit her lip to keep from screaming while sweat droplets gathered on her brow.
    And then, just as her palm laid flat against the door, the car stopped and parked in front of the bookstore, four buildings down.
    Seizing an opportunity to escape, she entered Seaside Drug, walked the length of the store, and then exited the back door, giving Mr. Simpson, the pharmacist a smile and a wave on the way. Thank God he’d known her and her reputation since birth; he’d allowed her to use the exit several times when Casey and Travis were hot on her tail.
    Annessa braced herself against the alley door, swallowed hard to push her heart out of her throat, and tried to convince herself this was some sort of dream – one she’d awake from any minute. Yet, as her chest heaved with each breath and her brain spun from lack of oxygen, she knew without a doubt this was real; once again she’d managed to attract trouble. Surprise. Surprise.
    Very slowly she rolled her head to the left, relived to see an empty alley. Then to the right, equally grateful to see the same – nothing. Courage gathered in her veins. Time to get while the getting is good.
    She pushed off the door and took a few timid steps away from the building while she once again fought the urge to run. Shadow-jumping would probably get her there much faster. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly while she side-stepped into the shadows of the next doorway. Sweat gathered on her brow as she realized she was out of shadows. The remaining distance to the bakery was completely open and illuminated by the bright Georgia sun.
    She moved her gaze around the area one last time, both relieved and nervous about the quiet atmosphere, while she wiped her sweaty palms on her shorts. Enough stalling. The baker
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