revealed them to be somewhere between blue and green…maybe turquoise in color. She had the cheeks of Carrie’s people from the far future. That wasn’t good. If those she came from had members from the far future, they could also have the death guns.
The woman’s eyes opened and she looked at him in puzzlement. He squeezed some more water in her mouth and laid her back down. She stared at Andy as he gave her some more water. He eventually allowed her to hold the pouch and she drank it empty. She suddenly looked around furiously from side to side and Andy reached behind him and lifted her weapon. She stopped moving and stared into his eyes. She said in English, “Who are you?”
Andy was shocked. Everyone in the community was taught the three major languages; Latin, English, and Atlantan. But they all spoke Latin daily. Andy knew she was not from his community. “My name is Andy.”
The woman pushed herself up against the trunk and her eyes went wide. Andy looked behind him and saw Dinah staring at them. He extended his hand and moved it toward his mouth. Dinah turned and moved away as she grazed on the grass. The woman was too shocked to speak. Andy stood up and went to his saddle and took out some provisions. He took the woman’s weapon with him and put it next to Dinah. He opened the pouch and handed the woman some greens and meat. She devoured them. He watched her eat and saw she was dehydrated and malnourished. Andy looked at Dinah and said, “Look around.”
Dinah turned and looked at Andy who raised both hands over his head. She went to her full height and began sniffing the air. The woman saw the saddle on Dinah and she stopped eating. Her mouth fell open and she looked at Andy. He smiled and said in English, “Her name is Dinah.”
“You actually ride that thing?”
“I do.”
“Then you aren’t with the Destroyers?”
Andy stared at her for a moment and then said, “Who are the Destroyers?”
“They have been attacking settlements along the southern sea. They come from the land to the east of here.”
“I have not heard of them. How far is your settlement from here?”
The woman paused and said, “It’s no longer there. The Destroyers burned it and took all of my people into slavery.”
“How far?”
The woman stared at Andy and sighed, “My brother and I have been running from them for three months. We decided that the only way to escape was to head north and keep running.”
Andy looked around, “Where is your brother?”
The woman shook her head and pointed toward the dead predator, “He was eaten by that thing. I managed to kill it but not before it surprised us and took Singer.”
Andy looked at the giant and said, “You killed it?”
“My brother and I managed to surprise one of the Destroyers at night and kill him with a knife. We took his rifle and bullets and fled. We knew the Destroyers would not quit until they found the killers. Their weapon is what killed it.”
Andy stared at her and said, “You’re being pretty open with me.”
“You’re not a Destroyer. If you’re not one of them, then you are probably not going to kill me or you already would have. You certainly wouldn’t have shared your water and food if you intended to do me harm.” She paused and said, “You would have probably had some fun with me before you killed me if you were one of them.”
“It looks like you were about done when I found you.”
“We ran out of water and food a week ago. There’s no way we could have gone to the river; the predators would have taken us before we could escape. I pretty much decided to die under this tree close to my brother.”
Andy shook his head, “About a half a mile over this rise is a large pond in the middle of the plain. If you had kept going, you would have found it.”
She stared at Andy for a moment and said, “Really?” Andy nodded. “I guess when I lost Singer and his rifle, I knew I wouldn’t be able to make it alone.”
Christie Sims, Alara Branwen