Taking People With You: The Only Way to Make Big Things Happen Paperback

Taking People With You: The Only Way to Make Big Things Happen Paperback Read Online Free PDF

Book: Taking People With You: The Only Way to Make Big Things Happen Paperback Read Online Free PDF
Author: David Novak
some time thinking about these three questions and filling out the following work sheet. The answers to these questions are your starting place. The goal you decide upon in this first chapter is the one this book will help you reach by showing you how to take people with you. What follows is a road map for making it happen.
David Cote, CEO of Honeywell International, started his career as an hourly employee, so he thought back to those days when trying to understand what his target audience, his plant workers, were thinking when management decided they wanted to introduce a new operating system. “Having been an hourly employee, I know there is a strong tendency to just be viewed as a pair of hands and not really engage people in thinking. So what we’re doing is starting to engage our forty thousand [hourly employees] in that thinking process. And it takes time. You don’t go to somebody who’s been working in a factory for twenty years and tell them, ‘Through Tuesday, you just keep doing what you’re doing; Wednesday, we’re starting this new program, so you need to start thinking completely differently.’ There’s a maturation process that you have to go through. So for us to actually convert
a plant to a Honeywell Operating Plant—it takes two years. Because it starts with leadership, it starts with discussions, it starts with engagement. Sometimes you have to go slow to go fast.”
    What Is Your Single Biggest Thing?
    The single biggest thing you’re working on
be step-change. It’s not something you can easily accomplish in the next few days, weeks, or even months.
What’s the single biggest thing you can imagine that will grow your business or change your life?
Describe the outcome you envision if you accomplish your Big Goal. As you write it down, ask yourself: Am I thinking big enough? Does this challenge get me excited? Does it make me a little nervous? Would my peers think it’s not just a goal, but a Big Goal?
    Who Do You Need to Bring with You?
    Who is your target audience? Who are the people you most need to bring with you in order to achieve your step-change goal? Complete the TPWY People Map Work Sheet to answer this question.
    What Perceptions, Habits, and Beliefs Most Impact Your Challenge?
    What perception, habit, or belief of your target audience do you need to build, change, or reinforce to reach your goal? It may be different for different groups or individuals.

Get Your Mind-Set Right
    Having your head screwed on right is the foundation for any success you will ultimately achieve. In fact, there is no question in my mind that before you can be effective as a leader, you have to think like a great one.
    Your ability to reach your goals has as much to do with how you choose to see the world as it does with your level of education and intelligence. And this is totally within your control because your mind-set is up to you.
    Some mind-sets are good and powerful; others are bad and limiting. Consider this scenario that John O’Keeffe shared with us:
Two shoe manufacturers arrive in a new country looking to expand their markets. The local people, however, are very different from the customers they sell to at home. In fact, they don’t wear shoes at all, preferring instead to walk about barefoot in all kinds of weather, at all times of year.
    The first shoe manufacturer assesses the situation and says, “There’s no market here. These people don’t wear shoes!”
    The second one looks around and says, “There’s a huge market here. Not a single person is wearing shoes!”
    The difference here is as obvious as night and day. How you view a situation or task at hand can dramatically affect the actions you take. The chapters in this section will give you the keys to thinking in a more powerful way about yourself, the people around you, and the work you want to get done.
What is a mind-set?
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