wouldn’t worry too much. Give me a day or two to look at it some more, and I will have better idea. Does that sound alright?’
‘Oh, that’s just fine, really. I really do appreciate it. I feel better already having someone on board who knows what they’re doing. Thank you so much. Do you want payment up front or a deposit of some kind?’
‘I don’t want anything yet. I consider this just a consultation. He smiled and stood up.
So he’s sculpted and nice. Now, he just has to get in his Lamborghini out back, and he’s the whole package. Abbi helped her mother gather up the invoices. She really needed to get herself together. Or she needed to not be around this man anymore.
‘Ken and I will be gone for a few days on business. We’re opening up a new shop in Lancaster. But Abbi will be managing the shop. If you could just liaison with her on this that would be great.’
Oh my God! Abbi had completely forgotten that her parents were leaving the following day. That damn new grand opening. So that little plan of just not being around Taylor went out the window. That’s just great. Either Ben is going to have the time of his life, or if he isn’t home more, my vibrator is going to need new batteries . She couldn’t believe how sexual she felt right now. Ok, horny. I feel horny. Just be honest. Being around this man makes me want to rip his clothes off and get on top of him and let him…oh just let him do whatever he wants.
‘No problem at all. I would be happy to talk with Abbi about what I think.’ He nodded politely at Abbi.
‘That’s sorted then. Please feel free to call any time if you have any questions.’
‘Sounds good. I’m on it.’ He nodded like a soldier accepting his mission.
He’s just so strong and manly . And he’s an accountant? He throws that stereotype right out the window.
Taylor shook hands with Celia and Abbi, and showed them to the door. Abbi walked behind her mother, and when she passed by Taylor, he smiled and winked at her. What? That just happened. That really happened . She felt like a little schoolgirl again. He likes me !
Once outside, Celia and Abbi started walking back towards the shop. ‘Boy, he’s a cutie, isn’t he?’ said her mother.
‘Mum! Really?’ exclaimed Abbi. Oh thank God. She wasn’t delusional. Even her mum had noticed.
‘Oh come on.’ Celia laughed, ‘There’s nothing wrong with noticing.’
‘I’m not having this conversation with you,’ Abbi said. She waited a minute. ‘Drop dead gorgeous.’ And they both burst out laughing together.
Chapter Five
Unable to keep thoughts of Taylor out of her mind for more than five minutes at a time, Abbidid the only thing she coul d– kept busy. She spent the day going through the backlog of invoices she’d been putting off for the past few weeks. As well as getting instructions from her mother on what needed to be finished and delivered while they were away. Whilst her mum had every confidence in her ability to handle the business by herself for a couple of days, her dad had his doubts.
‘Maybe I should just stay,’ Ken said after they had gone over the details of yet another job. It was a relatively easy restoration of an old nightstand someone had found in a storage unit. Probably worthless, but it still had some ornate style and charm.
‘Ken!’ Celia said. ‘It’s our grand opening. You have to be there.’
‘Dad. Seriously,’ Abbi chimed in. ‘I’ve got this. Worst-case scenario, I’ll tell some people they have to wait a few more days until you get back. Our customers will understand. Besides some of their stuff is decades old. What’s a couple of more days?’
Ken dad considered this. ‘Okay, baby. I just feel bad since we are kind of busy, but I guess that can’t be helped. But I don’t want to keep you from being at home. I know you and Ben don’t have much time together right now as it is.’
‘Dad, it’s a few days. Stop being so dramatic.’ Abbi rolled her