Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1)

Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tainted Cure (The Rememdium Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ashley Fontainne
Tags: Fiction, Sci-Fi, Zombies, post apocalyptic, drugs
The crunch of their footfalls on the bed of dry leaves was barely audible, drowned out by the nocturnal rumblings of insects in the forest.
    “What’s wrong, Dad? Why are we stoppin’?” Turner whispered.
    “Gettin’ my bearin’s straight, that’s all. Now be quiet before you give our position away.”
    “Ain’t nothin’ out here but us…”
    “Hush, Turner!”
    Walt’s gaze scanned the tree line while Turner fell silent. Once dark, he and Turner left deer camp and headed deep into the woods. They’d been trekking through the Ozark forest, their path illuminated by the full moon and aided by the warm weather, for nearly an hour. When they made the same journey last hunting season, the temperature wasn’t even in the double digits. The weird, warm weather wasn’t any good for hunting, yet it made the trip easier.
    An uneasy feeling settled over him while peering into the woods. He knew the area better than his own backyard. Walt remembered exactly where every tree, boulder, path, and cliff was located leading up to the cave.
    After a stint in the Army, Walt came to the realization the world was too screwed up to continue on. Seeing up close and personal what Uncle Sam was capable of, along with the corrupt governments of other countries, left Walt a bitter and paranoid man. When Curt Campbell, a coworker and also an ex-Army man, invited Walt to a meeting one night after work, he jumped at the chance. Curt mentioned the small group was full of other men who were dedicated to keeping their families safe during troubling times.
    The initial meeting had been over twenty years ago and it solidified Walt’s decision to prepare himself and his family for the end of civilized society. Though most of his stockpiles of supplies were at home, Walt figured a back-up plan was needed as well. While hunting alone twelve years back, he’d stumbled upon the cave quite by accident. Even though it was located on government land, he didn’t care. The place wasn’t listed or notated on any map he’d surveyed over the years.
    “Dad, are we close? My arms are gettin’ tired.”
    Walt turned and stared at his only child. Though Turner was twenty and just as tall and lithe as Walt, sometimes Turner acted like a bratty teenager. “What part about hush don’t you get, Turner?”
    “Won’t do any good to keep luggin’ these supplies if they’re all busted. These cannin’ jars are heavy!”
    “Fine,” Walt huffed. “Set it down. You need to step up your trainin’. More cardio and weights are what you need. When things get to crunch time—”
    “I need to be ready. Yes, Dad. I know,” Turner replied, easing the heavy pack onto the ground. “Cut me some slack, will you? It takes a while to fully recover from the flu.”
    “It’s been three days, Turner. You’re fine,” Walt mumbled. He continued to scan the perimeter. Seeing nothing, but unable to shake the strange sensation something was wrong, he walked over to join his son.
    “Want to tell me what’s really goin’ on? We’ve been makin’ this hike ever since I was little. Bearings my ass.”
    Squatting down, Walt peered at the trail. The hair on his neck and arms stood erect when he noticed footprints. With a nod of his head, he pointed them out to Turner. “See those? They’re fresh, maybe a day or so old. Note the tread. Those are government issued boots. I knew it! Someone’s been out trompin’ around here. You best start learnin’ to rely on your instincts, son, or you ain’t never gonna survive when the world turns to shit.”
    Turner swallowed and leaned forward, squinting in the dark. “How in the world did you notice those, Dad?”
    Motioning for his son to get up and follow, Walt whispered, “Because I pay attention to my gut. Knew the minute we came over the ridge somethin’ weren’t right. Come on, we need to follow these prints and see if they lead to the cave or not. Not another word until we know for sure. I mean it. Zip your
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