first … we must make sure he does not steal your baby from you again."
"Mikhail didn't cause Shahla to miscarry," Ninsianna said. "It was Jamin who beat her." She shot an accusatory glare at the black-eyed man who held her wrist.
"And for that I am truly sorry." Jamin's expression was strangely apologetic. "But I was not the one who put that child into her belly in the first place. Nor did I hide my guilt by burying the evidence someplace where Shahla could not grieve for it."
"The child was not his ," Ninsianna hissed.
Jamin leaned so close his nose nearly touched hers. His black eyes bored into her, nothing able to hide from his perceptive gaze.
"And how do you know the child was not his?" Jamin said. " She believes it to be true! And every man in the village saw her proposition him about the same time that infant would have been conceived!"
A noise like a swarm of locusts mixed with the roar of a sandstorm passed overhead. Two sky canoes, unlike Mikhail's, descended to the earth like squat, fat beetles next to a third, slender sky canoe which she had failed to notice until after Jamin had grabbed her. The ships cracked open. Out spilled creatures of nightmare just as her vision had foretold, lizard demons, giant boars, blue men, and a smattering of other demons. One stepped forward, larger and fatter than the others, wearing jeweled robes to converse with the Evil One in a strange, hissing language.
"Are your men in position to hit them?" the Evil One asked the fat lizard king.
"As soon as you lure the Angelic into the trap," the lizard king rubbed his claws together, "our ships will hit the trouble makers and kill the leaders in a single raid."
Ninsianna listened with horror. To creatures who could shoot with firesticks from the sky, the sizeable contingent of warriors each Ubaid chief had brought with them as protection would merely add to their casualties. She glanced over at Shahla.
"Don't do this, Shahla," Ninsianna pleaded. "Please! Don't you understand what they're about to do? We are your people!"
Shahla's eyes were filled with happiness as she watched her so-called 'husband' plan their people's destruction. Unlike Ninsianna, who possessed the gift of tongues, Shahla was unable to translate what was really being said.
"And how will you lure the Angelic to come for her?" the fat lizard king asked.
The Evil One gave Ninsianna a predatory grin.
"I find it curious the Colonel has not already sensed her distress," the Evil One said. He stepped close enough to tower over Ninsianna.
Ninsianna stood unable to force her body to move even though Jamin’s grip had loosened. She felt the violation of her mind, thoughts, emotions, memories plucked from her head like ripened fruit from a tree. She tried to block him and was helpless to prevent the intrusion. The Evil One tilted his head closer, his pale skin, his white-blonde hair, his cruel lips so close she thought for a moment he might kiss her.
His nostrils flared.
He sniffed her neck.
An image danced into her mind.
Even as one part of her mind shouted no , that Mikhail was her husband; an older, more primal part of her responded to the Evil One’s seduction, causing her lips to part as the mere thought of being made love to by such magnificent creature caused warmth to gush from between her thighs. A small, guttural cry of pleasure escaped her lips. Shame flooded her cheeks as she realized what the Evil One had just made her do. His eerie silver eyes glittered with satisfaction as he switched languages to speak to her in the language of the Angelics.
"Does your husband know you have not returned his bond of eternal love, flawed mortal?" The Evil One laughed. "She-who-is should have known better than to tempt HIS mortal vessel with a creation as flawed as SHE is."
He gestured towards Jamin whose hand had tightened so firmly she feared her wrist might break. "You would have done better to have stuck with that one. Had you not spurned him, he would have