Sweetheart Deal
Alejandro’s initial flirtation during our meeting, timely and flattering as it was, was simply salesmanship he was playing up for the camera …
    I nodded, took a deep breath, and forced myself to focus on reality—or my TV reality, as it were—by smiling and delivering my rehearsal dinner spiel:
    â€œThe pre-wedding dinner provides an opportunity for the bride and groom to thank everyone involved with the wedding. In general, the guest list includes the wedding party and their dates or spouses, immediate family, and anyone else participating in the ceremony. It is customary, but not required, that you invite extended family and out-of -town guests.”
    I plucked a giant strawberry from the top tier of a “cake” constructed entirely of fruit, took a dainty bite, chewed, and swallowed. 11
    â€œAt a destination wedding, however, ‘ all-inclusive ’ applies to more than just the food and beverages. Since your guests are travelling a great distance, everyone who makes the trip should be invited to all the events that take place over the course of the weekend. While this may seem costly, remember, the reduction in the overall number of people who actually attend typically more than makes up for the added cost per person.”
    As the camera shot switched to the buffet table, the veranda filled with partygoers, and the beginnings of what promised to be a spectacular sunset, I stole a glance out past the scrolled iron railing, and across the lush grounds, toward a single light in the window of the vacation sales office.
    What was it Alejandro was planning to say before Frank had interrupted him?
    I think you’re one of the most attractive women I’ve met in years …
    I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help but wish you were single …
    I haven’t stopped thinking about you all day …
    Despite feeling more jangly than hungry, I piled my plate high with assorted especiales de la casa and started for the head table, where Anastasia and Philip were dipping chips into the Hacienda’s signature guacamole and feeding them to each other.
    â€œLook,” Frank said as soon as I took my place beside him and the crew had given us the go-ahead for the next scheduled shot. He flashed a handful of tickets. “Tickets to the eco water park for the whole family!” 12
    â€œWhat an incredible thank you present!” I said, amazed not only by Anastasia’s ability to pay next to nothing for her wedding, but her dual-purpose gift of a bathing-suit clad day at the local eco water park—just the wedding party, the camera crew, me, and my middle-aged body. Oh joy.
    â€œWe’re all going to go on Sunday!” said groomsman Dave, who flashed a charming smile in shapely Body’s direction.
    As soon as we were finished eating, Face stood. She waited for the chatter to die down and announced that each of Anastasia and Philip’s siblings planned to share some stories to ensure the bride and groom “had all the facts” about their soon-to -be spouse.
    â€œI’ll start,” Hair said, tucking her blond locks behind her ears and smiling in my direction, as if to say she’d heeded my advice about ignoring the cameras. Her voice was a little shaky just the same. “Philip, I hope you’re prepared to always look your best, because Stasia is a stickler about grooming those around her. One time, she even used pomade on the cat and trimmed his whiskers. He was banging into walls for a week.”
    One by one, each of the siblings stood, and with varying degrees of trepidation, began to share tales of their own:
    â€œPhil once told me that thinking about your muscles will make you stronger.”
    â€œDo not, I repeat, do not so much as suggest to Stasia that there are ‘alternate’ ways to load the dishwasher.”
    â€œI hope you’re prepared for the fact that you’re going to have to cut the
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