Sweetheart Cottage (Cranberry Bay #1)

Sweetheart Cottage (Cranberry Bay #1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sweetheart Cottage (Cranberry Bay #1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mindy Hardwick
badly? Ryle fingered the fringed bath rug. She’d followed all of the best practices in business and had risen to the top of the decorating world in Las Vegas. She traveled the world, scouring antique markets for just the right touch for her clients. She donated large amounts of money to various nonprofits all over the Vegas area, and she paid her father’s constant gambling debts. She served on the Chamber of Commerce Board and enjoyed elaborate parties and tickets to top name shows in Vegas. But none of it had mattered; her best friend had still run off with her half of the business and a man Rylee had once believed she could love more than she had once loved Bryan. That was something that, after seeing Bryan again, Rylee realized wasn’t true. Her heart had never forgotten her first love, and she’d just been fooling herself.
    A quiet meow came from inside the bathtub, and Rylee raised herself to her knees. She peered over the edge. A pair of dark black eyes stared back at her. “I bet you didn’t plan for things to end up this way either, did you?”
    A knock at the front door jolted Rylee to her feet. She grabbed the flashlight and quickly hurried down the stairs to the entryway. Her heart pounded. Who was visiting now? The residents of Cranberry Bay were a generous and supportive group, but on a rainy, stormy night like this, Rylee doubted any of them would have braved the storm to stop by for a cup of coffee.
    At the front door, she pulled aside the dusty window curtains and peered outside. Bryan’s kind smile beamed at her. He waved, and she pulled open the door.
    “What are you doing here?” Rylee placed her hands on her hips and didn’t move out of the way or invite him in.
    “I was just finishing up our weekly family dinner.” Bryan took a step back on the small porch. The smile vanished from his face. “I wanted to check if you needed anything.” He peered beyond her into the dark house. “The lights aren’t on?”
    “The lights are not on,” Rylee said, exhaling. “There is a family of cats in the upstairs bathroom, a leaking roof, water damage down the side of the living room wall, and the place smells like sewage.” The story poured out of Rylee like the rushing river running alongside the town.
    “Why don’t I get some guys over here to take care of things in the morning? I know quite a few people in town who’d love to make a little extra cash.”
    “No,” Rylee said. “I’ll find a way to deal with it.” She needed a little extra cash herself, and, even more importantly, she didn’t want to run the risk of hiring someone who had been her Dad’s friend and would question her about him. She didn’t have answers for the town or herself as to how the town’s superstar baseball player could dissolve into a gambling addict who lived on the streets of Vegas. “In the daylight, things will look better.” She honestly couldn’t imagine how things could look better in the light. Most likely, they would look worse.
    “You can’t stay here.” Bryan peered into the darkness behind Rylee. “There aren’t any lights and it’s freezing. Why don’t I show you the River Rock Inn? It’s a gorgeous old place with rooms on the river. They have a couple rooms that are pet friendly.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, and his eyes softened. “There’s a good bakery right next door. Sasha, the owner makes the best turkey sandwiches and serves a strong coffee. She’s usually open in the evenings. I’m headed over to the office to work a bit. The bakery and inn are right around the corner. Why don’t you follow me in your car with Raisin?”
    Rylee took a deep breath. There was no way she could pay for a night at the inn, but a sandwich did sound good. She’d have something to eat, and then return to the house to sleep. In the morning, things would look better.
    “A sandwich sounds great.” Rylee called Raisin to her side and grabbed her purse. “I’ll follow you.”
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