Sweet Texas Fire

Sweet Texas Fire Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sweet Texas Fire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nicole Flockton
and making her way to her room. Once she’d dumped her bag, she was going to head to Betty Lou’s Diner and grab a bite to eat. Maybe bring back some donuts for breakfast.
    It felt good to be back in Sweet Ridge. The laid-back atmosphere reminded her of the small town where she and her family had vacationed at one time when they’d returned to Australia for a break between her father’s assignments.
    After a quick visit to the bathroom and a change of clothes, she headed out the door again. It would only take her a few minutes to walk to the diner. Outside, she took a couple of deep breaths. It was nice to breathe in fresh air, not the air tainted by car exhaust she sometimes breathed in in Houston.
    The early evening sun softened the outline of the buildings, giving them a romantic feel. She was excited about tomorrow, when she’d take a drive to see the land.
    Charlotte reached the cute-looking diner and pulled open the door. Immediately her senses came alive as the aroma of donuts and fried foods greeted her. The diner had an old-fashioned feel to it, with its counter where you could sit and peer through to the kitchen to see the line cooks making up the orders. The booths had turquoise leather seats and Formica countertops. It was like a step back in time to when the town’s diner was the place to be seen.
    “Charlotte, honey, is that you?”
    Charlotte turned and the diner’s namesake, Betty Lou, enveloped her in a big hug as a greeting. Even Betty Lou looked like a throwback from the 1950s with her beehive hairstyle and funky red glasses.
    She returned the hug, surprised Betty Lou remembered her from her previous visits. “It’s good to see you. And you’ve got a good memory.”
    Betty Lou laughed. “It’s hard to forget a girl with hair as lovely as you have, not to mention your pretty accent. But it’s been a while.” She sobered a little. “I’m sorry, I have some news about Jack.”
    Charlotte squeezed the diner owner’s hand. “I know he’s passed away.”
    While part of her wanted to let Betty Lou know about her inheritance, she kept that bit of information to herself. She was sure it would all come out in good time.
    Betty Lou wiped her eyes. “It was a sad day when Jack Cooper left this earth. His presence will be felt for years to come, though. He did an awful lot of good for this town. Now, let me show you to a table. How long are you in town for? If you knew about Jack’s death, what brings you back?”
    Charlotte’s mind whirled with the questions fired at her, but she answered them as Betty Lou showed to her a corner booth with a window looking at out the main street. “I like Sweet Ridge and realized it’s been a while since I’ve been here. I thought a weekend away might be nice. I also want to explore the place a little more.”
    “That’s good, sweetie. Here’s a menu. Today’s donut special is Lemon Sizzle. It’s sour with a bite.”
    While Charlotte appreciated Betty Lou’s ingenuity in coming up with different flavors, when it came to donuts, she liked hers plain and coated with sprinkled sugar.
    “Thanks. I think I’ll make my donut decision after I’ve had some of your fabulous fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Can I also have a glass of Coke, please?”
    “Coming right up. Anything el—” The bell above the diner door tinkled, signaling the arrival of another patron and distracting Betty Lou. “Macy! Over here, sweetie. I want you to meet someone.”
    A girl a few years older than her, dressed in a cute slip dress and wearing cowboy boots and a cowboy hat, approached the table.
    Betty Lou greeted her with the same sort of hug she’d given Charlotte. “Macy, this is Charlotte, from Australia. Charlotte, this is Macy. She’s a famous country-and-western music star.”
    “Hi, Macy, it’s nice to meet you.”
    “Hey, Charlotte, it’s good to meet you, too. Australia, huh? That’s one place I’d love to visit one day. Y’alls accent is so cool. Do you
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