Sweet Surrender

Sweet Surrender Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sweet Surrender Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maya Banks
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Erótica, Romance
    “I can show you around Friday starting at 11 P.M. Things tend to get started late around here. If you give me your e-mail address, I’ll send you detailed directions and the address.”
    Faith supplied him her e-mail, and they confirmed her appointment time. She thanked him for the information, and they rang off. She dropped the phone on the desk and leaned back, puffing her cheeks out and blowing a long, hard breath.
    Friday. Eleven o’clock. She let out a small groan. She had all week to do nothing but wonder about what she’d see.
    She licked her lips nervously then smoothed a hand over her bubbling stomach. What the hell had she gotten herself into? And worse, she couldn’t wait to find out.

    “H ey, baby doll,” Micah Hudson said as he rounded the corner into Faith’s office.
    She smiled as she put down the phone. “Hey, yourself.”
    He flopped into the chair across from her desk, his long legs sprawling in front of him. Arching his hips up, he fished in his pocket before pulling out a crumpled pack of cigarettes. Seconds later, he shoved one end of the cigarette in his mouth and flicked his lighter.
    She emitted a sigh just as he inhaled like a man drawing his last breath.
    “Micah, what have I told you about smoking in my office?”
    He flashed her a sexy grin and exhaled a long plume of smoke. “Come on, Faith. You know I’m trying to quit. Down to just a couple a day. Pop gives me hell, so I can’t smoke around him anymore. You’re my only safe haven.”
    She rolled her eyes. “So because I’m a softy, I get to die from secondhand smoke inhalation.” She rummaged in her drawer for one of the old plastic ashtrays she kept on hand and shoved it across the desk at him. “At least use this so you don’t get ashes everywhere.”
    He grinned at her and blew her a kiss as he reached for the ashtray. She shook her head. It should be a sin for any one man to be so damn sexy. Micah was a man clearly unused to being told no over anything, and with good reason. What woman could possibly stand her ground against his wicked charm?
    “You’re the best.”
    He tapped his cigarette against the ashtray then looked back up at her, his warm brown eyes questioning. Still holding his cigarette between his fingers, he reached up and tucked his unruly hair behind his ear. His diamond stud earring glittered as it was exposed to her view.
    A lock of hair, upset by his impatient shove, fell forward over his brow. He thrust his free hand through his hair above his forehead, pulling it tight against his head in a backward motion. When he let it go, the loose curls flopped over his head once more. She grinned at the disheveled image he presented. Somehow he just made it work. Messy was sexy on him.
    “What you got going on today? Have you met Gray Montgomery yet?”
    She cursed the rush of heat that flooded her cheeks and hoped like hell her fair skin, so prone to blushing, hadn’t just given her away.
    “Yeah, I met him yesterday. Showed him to his office.”
    “And what?” she asked, arching a brow at him.
    “What did you think?”
    “Uh, I didn’t think anything. He seems nice. Quiet. Maybe a little brooding. He should fit in well around here. He and Connor could be best friends forever.”
    Micah burst out laughing. “Just what we need. One more brooding bastard.”
    “Well, someone has to even things out. You and Nathan give poor Connor so much shit.”
    “Well hell, someone has to. Nobody should be that serious.”
    Faith cracked a small smile. Finally she started giggling and raised a hand to cover her mouth. “Okay, so he’s a little uptight.”
    Micah snuffed his cigarette. “A little? You could bounce a quarter off his ass.”
    “Whose ass are we talking about?” Nathan asked as he sauntered in.
    “Uh, well, Micah seems to have developed a fetish over Connor’s ass,” Faith said innocently.
    Micah flipped her the bird.
    “Jesus, man, you been smoking again?”
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