Sweet Justice

Sweet Justice Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sweet Justice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christy Reece
Tags: Suspense
more. Dudley had a tendency to want all of his people single and unattached. Honor hadn’t had a problem with that philosophy until she’d met Seth.
    “Thanks for calling.”
    Sounding preoccupied, Dudley said, “Yeah.”
    Honor closed the phone and dropped it into the pocket of her robe. Despite her relief at hearing the news, something still nagged at her. Seth’s business required that he associate with all sorts of people, but she still couldn’t understand why one of those people had to be Hector Clemmons. Was there more to their association than he was telling her?
    Disgusted with herself, Honor went to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. She had faith in Seth and felt guilty for even doubting him. When he returned, she’d make sure he knew how much she believed in him.
    The steering wheel gripped tightly in his hands, Seth focused his eyes on the apartment in front of him. Honor’s apartment . She would be awake by now, wondering where he’d gone. He’d hated leaving her for the meeting. All warm, cozy woman cuddled up against him—the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. In a few minutes, it would be more than just leaving for a meeting. He’d be leaving forever.
    He dragged a hand down his tired face and cursed himself. There was no one else to blame. He’d agreed to this assignment—so damned cocky and self-assured. Sure, he could take down Hector Clemmons. Sure, he could create such a deep-cover web of lies that not even the slickest of Hector’s investigators could penetrate it. He was single, had no commitments. When it was all over and done with, he’d explain everything to his family, and they’d understand. Fuck!
    That was before Honor. Before he’d met the woman he knew without a doubt he’d love for the rest of his life. And his family? Hell, he’d taken them for granted, too. Had assumed he’d be able to lie well enough to head off their questions. Had consoled himself with the idea that he was doing something good and honorable, and that when the time came for them to know the truth, they would forgive him easily and all the hurt would go away.
    He was no longer a murder suspect. Not that he ever had been, but it had given Clemmons pause and that’s what they’d needed. The man trusted few, and Seth had been well on his way to slipping inside his inner circle. And then Hector had gotten antsy, backed off. Seth’s relationship with Honor had come under discussion; questions had been asked. Seth had known something was going to have to be done.
    Monty Jenkins’s death had fallen into their laps—an opportunity too convenient to pass up. The suspicion of murder had been Bill’s idea. Jenkins was a former employee of Clemmons’s who’d been fired for stealing. He’d been found dead of a heroin overdose.
    Instead of reporting the real cause of death, they’d decided to make it seem that Seth had done the deed. Everything had been a lie, from the neighbor who called in saying that there had been a gunshot and that he’d seen Seth leaving Jenkins’s apartment just a few minutes later, to the first on-the-scene detective, who’d reported that Monty had a bullet hole in his head. Then, when Seth was cleared of all suspicion, it would reassure Hector, because now not only was Seth in his camp, having murdered someone for him, but he could slide out of trouble as well as anyone—with a little help from Clemmons, that is.
    Being cleared of a murder charge that he had every appearance of having committed wasn’t going to be enough, though. It might have eased Hector’s suspicions, but the man was still asking too many questions about Honor. And Honor’s mention of digging into Clemmons’s background had put Seth even more on edge. Having her involved with any of this wasn’t something he wanted. Stupid to think he could keep his personal life and professional life separate, especially when his personal life would be nonexistent until Clemmons went down.
    Gripping the
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