Sweet Discipline

Sweet Discipline Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sweet Discipline Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Hamre
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
program. She could put up with whatever he dished out while she focused on the rest of the activities here. “Okay. All right.”
    He nodded. “First, you will learn respect. When you are with me, unless I tell you otherwise, you will kneel to me.”
    Her eyes widened. “You’re out of your freaking mind!” This was a health spa, not some kinky club. When his expression didn’t change, she knew he was serious. “What’s kneeling got to do with losing weight?”
    He blew out a breath. “Norris, I am going to say this only once. Our methods at Sweet Discipline are effective. Any of our clients will vouch for that.” He spoke patiently, as if correcting a fractious child. “Any instruction I give is to help you achieve your goals. You are here to lose weight. You want your life to be more fulfilling, more pleasurable, more successful. Right?” He paused, as if giving her a chance to disagree.
    She seethed at his reasonable tone, but couldn’t argue with what he said. She imagined the awe on people’s faces when she returned to work, skinny, sexy and successful. She imagined the impressed looks on her client’s faces when she made a presentation. She imagined surprise changing into desire in Jack Rodriguez’s eyes.
    “I have never failed a client. I won’t fail you.”
    She didn’t like him but she believed him. After all, a place like this wouldn’t attract any business if the clients weren’t happy with the results. It was the same in her business. If his interpersonal skills ranked a minus ten, she could force herself to put up with them. The methods might be unusual, but all she was interested in was the final product. All she wanted from him was results. She blew out a breath and nodded.
    “Very well. No more questions?”
    “Not at the moment.”
    Bonnie Hamre
    “I’ll tell you whatever you need to know as we go along. Now, on your knees.” His voice was inflexible.
    Slowly, joints creaking, she lowered herself to the floor. “Ouch.”
    “Sit back on your haunches.” When she did that, he added, “Now, place your hands palm up on your thighs. No, don’t curl your fingers. Leave them open.”
    She flicked a glance up at him.
    “You will keep you head lowered, eyes on the floor unless I give you permission to look at me.”
    This was too much. “Now, just a minute here—”
    “You will not speak until I tell you to,” he said harshly. “And when I speak to you, I want an immediate response. Understood?”
    She blinked but lowered her eyes.
    “Better. You are wondering why all this is necessary.” She nodded. “Changing your usual positions opens your mind to change. Leaving your hands open signifies acceptance of change.” He waited while she absorbed the concept. “To learn a new habit, you must get rid of the old one. To become a new person, the old person must go.
    Or, better put, pieces of the old person must go.”
    She could agree with that. There was a lot of her she wanted gone. His methods might sound crazy, but he’d promised he wouldn’t fail her.
    “Now, I have some questions. You will answer fully and truthfully.”
    All right, she’d expected to go into detail about her eating habits. The questionnaire had been long, very explicit, but there was always more to explain. She’d expected a disparaging look when she confessed her addiction to bread and butter, but on her aching knees, she wouldn’t have to see his face. Maybe it would be easier this way.
    “Your name is Norris Aileen Brownell. You are thirty-two years old, a self-employed consultant. You specialize in human resource issues. You are unmarried though you were engaged once. He left you when you preferred your career to him.”
    He paused to consult another page. “Still, you must have felt something for him since you suffered from depression for months. In consequence, you gained weight. You lost it while you were starting your business, and then gained more. What does that tell
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