Sweet Carolina
salvation. Those were the times when his life was in danger – from
himself. From his memories. Too much time alone with those memories
messed with his head.
    At least Caro had given him something else to
think about tonight. His hand went to his fly and he wondered if
she'd have this effect on him when he was driving. He'd never tried
driving with a hard-on before. It would be a new experience. Dell
laughed. At least it was something new to contemplate. Better than
trying to solve the mysteries of the universe, or dwelling on a
past he couldn't change or a future that didn't exist.
    * * * *
    Caro drove out of Dell Wayne's gated
community and turned into the first strip-mall parking lot she came
to. Parking underneath a light standard – safety first, even in
this enclave of the extremely wealthy, she dropped her forehead to
the steering wheel between her tightly clenched hands.
    Holy cow. What had she done?
    The racing world was going to have a field
day with this. Hawkins Racing didn't need the kind of publicity
Dell would generate – they only needed to win. And lord knew, she
didn't need Dell Wayne. Want? That was something entirely
    Caro pushed away from the steering wheel and
peeled her fingers loose. A tap on her window had her almost
jumping out of her skin. A uniformed officer peered at her,
signaling with his index finger for her to roll the window down.
She lowered the glass half an inch and asked to see his badge.
Satisfied he was the real thing, she powered the window down the
rest of the way.
    “Yes?” she asked.
    “Are you okay, ma'am?”
    “I'm fine. I needed to…” stop shaking? “rest
a minute,” she said. “It's been a long day.”
    “You might want to switch off the engine,
    “Yes, good point.” Caro turned the key and
smiled back at the officer.
    He asked a few more questions, and being
convinced Caro was fine, he bid her a good evening and walked away.
She waited until he drove off before she allowed herself to slump
in her seat.
    Caro took in a deep, calming breath. The
first full one she'd taken since Dell opened his front door and she
got her first, up close look at the adult version of the kid she'd
known. The ratty T-shirt he wore should have been a turn-off, but
the way the thin cotton stretched across those broad shoulders… and
when he moved, it hinted at firm muscles everywhere else. It was
hot. And those jeans that looked like they'd been washed a million
times? Oh, dear lord. The denim was faded all over, but in just the
right places – a white denim whammy to the gut. The man needed new
jeans. Jeans that didn't draw attention to places she shouldn't be
looking. Or thinking about.
    It wasn't seemly for a boss to lust… look at
an employee that way. Like he was the last hot biscuit in the pan,
with butter and honey oozing all over it.
    Caro swallowed hard and licked her lips. She
wouldn't mind having a taste of Dell Wayne. Just one little lick.
Maybe on his forearm. That would be safe enough. As long as she
didn't stray to the crook of his elbow where the skin looked so… or
his neck. Heaven forbid if she licked his neck. She'd have to get
real close to do that. Bodies touching close. Close enough to feel
what lay underneath that T-shirt and those jeans. And if that
happened, one lick probably wouldn't be enough.
    Tires screeched and an engine roared nearby.
Caro's head snapped up, and so did reality. This was ridiculous,
sitting in a parking lot, lusting after a man she couldn't have. He
was her driver. Or he would be, as soon as she got his signature on
a contract, and that couldn't come soon enough. She looked around,
spied a Starbucks on the far end of the shopping center, and headed
toward it.
    She ordered a venti hot chocolate, extra
whipped cream, and took a seat by the window. The chocolate went a
long way to calming her nerves. She'd made the biggest business
deal of her life, and arguably, one of the stupidest. What did she
really know about
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