she whispers with a burning throat, "can we take a brea..k?" Her voice cracks pathetically at the end and she wonders how she's suppose to survive the apocalypse being allergic to exercise and all.
Henderson's dark gaze bores into her, filled with second guessing, self-doubt, and she thinks she even sees a hint of judgment. Her jaw clenches. As if it was her fault he had went all creepy kidnapper on her and kept her locked up in a basement for months. It wasn't her fault the world went to shit.
"It's not... exactly safe here, Lace." He whispered, still staring at her. She bit into her lip. Really, unsafe? There was nothing here! No growling cannibals, no mutated beasts...nothing. "There's a house I stayed at a few times a few miles up, we'll rest there."
A few miles up? Horror hit the teen square in the gut, the fact that Henderson said a few miles up as if saying it was a few blocks over. If Henderson thought a few miles was nothing... she was surely going to die.
A whimper slips between her lips, making her sound much like a wounded animal. Henderson glances at her again. "It's not far." He assures, his brown eyes dark. Lacey bites back a snarl.
It's not far, Henderson says. Only a few miles up, Henderson says. Lacey seriously began to considered murdering Henderson for being a dirty liar after an hour when she tripped over a trash bag and skinned her hands up on filthy end of the world ground. The government crumbled, who was left to throw her in jail? Prisons likely didn't even exist anymore. Henderson was lucky she hated blood.
"Here," Henderson said as he quickly stepped off the empty road, drawing Lacey's attention away from her stinging hands. He was walking towards a small farm house, nestled on top of a hill. A hill surely they would be climbing.
Lacey frowns. More work? She tugged at her now very sweaty t-shirt and fanned her face with her hand. She looked around her half-heartedly, noticing they were in farm land.
"Lacey... hurry..." Henderson urged from about a yard away.
Sighing, Lacey picked up her heavy legs and followed Henderson. The end of the world, Lacey decided, was a perfect way to lose weight and your mind.
Henderson had a key hidden in the home's mail box besides it's door. Not a clever hiding spot at all, but who was looking? So far, Lacey was almost convinced her and Henderson were the only living things left on earth, she hadn't even seen a bird.
Once inside Henderson shut the heavy wooden door, quickly engulfing everything in near darkness. Heavy dark blue curtains hung from the windows, blocking out the cloudy light outside. The teen barely noticed as she caught a glimpse of a navy blue couch and stumbled in it's direction in a nearly drunken fashion. She collapsed face first onto the thing and instantly regretted it as a series of coughs and sneezes racked her achy frame.
"Why so dusty...?" She whimpered weakly with a runny nose and watery eyes. Henderson makes a small noise behind her, which sounds a little too much like a laugh. She quickly turns on him with an unhappy glower. "A few miles you said." She accuses with a harsh whisper. Henderson's smile instantly vanishes, it was a small one anyway. "You're a kidnapper and a liar." She concludes dryly.
Henderson sighs, scratching his sweaty mop of hair. "I'm going to check upstairs. You can rest."
As if she was going to do anything else.
Chapter 9
The air outside is different from the air she had been growing use to for months, fresher, better. Not completely layered with the odors of filth and mold, better.
It had been awhile, too long, since Alasa had felt the warm rays of sunlight on her flesh. It wasn't until now did she actually realize how much she truly loved it. A tiny smile wiggled it's way onto her lips as she lifted her head bathing her face in sunlight, enjoying such a simple thing. Her own nakedness didn't even bother her, nor his.
She ignored him. Sitting cross-legged on the brown stone, her blue