Surrounded by Secrets

Surrounded by Secrets Read Online Free PDF

Book: Surrounded by Secrets Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mandy Harbin
    “Where is she?”
    “My cabin. I couldn’t leave her at her dad’s place. Not until she understands what’s going on.”
    “You should get back to her, then, before she decides she doesn’t want to stick around.”
    She’d made that decision before he’d even forced her to come over, but he wasn’t telling Josh that. Once Jack had convinced her to take a nice long shower and relax, he’d locked her in. She wasn’t going anywhere, and he couldn’t allow her to leave until she accepted things. Shit, he didn’t even know if he could accept things.
    “Yeah, I know. At least her father is out of town right now. She won’t be missed.”
    “Good. Then I think I should go tell the family what’s going on. I suspect you’ll have your hands full with her for a while, and they need to be prepared for anything she might do.”
    “Okay. Thanks.”
    Josh chuckled as he stepped away from Jack. “Don’t thank me yet, bro. Save that for when I’m blocking her attacks against you.”
    Jack paled. His brother was right. He’d be lucky to survive the night.
    I’m in such deep shit .

Chapter Four
    Was the man part mosquito? Her neck looked as though he’d fed from her for hours and hours.
    She’d stared at it for a long time after her shower. The tee Jack had given her came down to her knees, but her neck was still exposed. She palpated it, watched the bruised skin turn white under her touch before the color rushed back into it, turning it an angry purple.
    Or was he a vampire? He had bitten her neck. Maybe that was why they could read each other’s thoughts. Could he turn into a bat, too? Eww! Surely he didn’t turn into a flying rodent.
    She was being crazy. There were no such things as life-size mosquitoes or vampires of any kind.
    Maybe he knew some sort of mind voodoo that enabled him to read her thoughts.
    Oh, maybe he was a witch! Hmm . . . warlock? Were male witches called witches, or was that the female term? She’d have to Google that later. She left the bathroom and looked around the small cabin.
    Not much was here. Maybe he didn’t need many amenities to survive. She opened the fridge to find nothing in there either.
    What if Jack and his family were bloodsucking aliens? Did people food make him sick? Had he eaten her chili last night? She couldn’t remember. If they were aliens, did they need to buy her family’s land for room to build a new mother ship to fly back home?
    No. No. No. They’d lived there for as long as she could remember.
    But maybe time was different for aliens.
    She huffed as she stomped over to the bed to sit. She wasn’t getting anywhere. Her thoughts were so jumbled that nothing made sense.
    The door rattled, and her heart raced.
    She could hear little Caroline whisper, They’re here , in the back of her head. But this wasn’t the movie Poltergeist .
    Hmm . . . could they be some kind of ghosts? She hadn’t considered that one yet. Ghosts that lived in corporeal form. Maybe they were tree ghosts that cohabitated—
    “Hey, I’m back,” Jack said, cutting off her wayward thoughts.
    “Oh, goodie.”
    He walked up to her and sighed. “I’m sorry I took you out of your house and left you here. There are some things we need to discuss.”
    “I gathered that.”
    He sat down beside her, and she jumped up, taking several steps back. “Hold up there. You have some splainin’ to do, Lucy, and I’d prefer you stay ten feet from me until you do just that.”
    “That’s probably not a bad idea,” he mumbled.
    Why was he agreeing with her? Was this some kind of trick?
    “Do you remember when I said I wanted to bite you while we were fuu—er, having sex?”
    Really? She had the serpent’s bite mark to prove it. She rolled her eyes and nodded.
    “Well, I shouldn’t have done that. Biting you bound you to me for all eternity since you are unmated.”
    “Er, come again? Please define the words bound and eternity .”
    He stood and started unbuttoning his
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