Superstar Watch

Superstar Watch Read Online Free PDF

Book: Superstar Watch Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gertrude Chandler Warner
    “I know this sounds strange, but I think that Buffalo’s speckles keep getting darker,” Violet said.
    “I have a funny feeling about Dante,” Henry added.
    “I think we should help figure out who is ruining Watch’s audition,” Jessie said. “Dante should be our first suspect.”
    “Our second suspect should be—” Violet began, but she was interrupted by Ms. Werner.
    “It is now Watch’s turn,” Ms. Werner said.
    Jessie led Watch to the stage again.
    “Dinner!” Timmy called.
    On cue, Watch ran. He jumped high—higher than either Buffalo or Ninja had jumped! He soared right into Timmy’s open arms. Timmy then set Watch down without any trouble at all.
    “Great job, Watch!” Jessie said. Benny, Henry, and Violet applauded. Even Timmy looked impressed.
    “That’s much better,” Ms. Werner said. She did not smile. But she did not frown, either. “But remember, there’s still one more day.”
    “See you tomorrow,” Lisa said.
    Jessie put Watch’s leash back on. The Aldens waved good-bye and walked out through the mall to meet Grandfather. It had been a long day and they were tired. All except for Benny, who was still excited.
    “Watch was incredimarzing,” Benny said.
    “Incredimarzing?” Henry asked.
    Benny explained, “Watch was incredible, marvelous, and amazing. All mixed up.”
    “Incredimarzing!” Henry repeated. He smiled. It was the perfect word.

A List of Suspects
    After dinner that night, Benny came into the boxcar and plopped onto a beanbag chair.
    “Oh good,” Jessie said. “We’re all here.”
    “I had to help Grandfather with the dishes,” Benny said. “That’s the thing about dinner: I like the eating part, but I don’t like the cleaning up-after-part.”
    Henry laughed.
    Jessie opened a new page in her notebook. At the top of the page she wrote:
    “The Wundermutt Audition Mystery.” She underlined it and then wrote: “Suspects.”
    “Let’s get started. I think we should make a list of people who we think might be trying to ruin the audition. I already put Dante on the list because there is so much strange stuff going on with him. Who should I write down next?” she asked.
    “I think Mr. Benjamin should be second. He isn’t very nice,” Violet replied.
    “Yes. Mr. Benjamin is a very big suspect,” Jessie said. “Before dinner, I did a little Internet research about Ninja. I printed this out.” She handed Henry a piece of paper.
    Henry read it. “It’s a news story. It says that ‘Ninja at Night’ has been cancelled,” he said.
    “Oh no!” Benny said. “This is the worst news ever.”
    Henry read on. “This story says that the show was cancelled because of Mr. Benjamin. No one likes him. He’s always demanding expensive, fancy stuff for his dog.”
    Jessie shrugged. “I guess the TV people got tired of working with Mr. Benjamin. If Mr. Benjamin is mean to people, it doesn’t matter if Ninja is a good actor or not.”
    “I wonder if Mr. Benjamin is trying to get rid of Watch, so Ninja will get the commercial job for sure,” Violet said.
    “But why isn’t he trying to get rid of Buffalo, too?” Benny asked.
    “Maybe Mr. Benjamin doesn’t think Buffalo is good enough to win,” Henry replied.
    “That makes sense. Mr. Benjamin might be the one, but it might also be Lisa who is wrecking things.” Jessie paused. “Maybe even Mr. Lillipool.” Then she added, “Of course, it might be Timmy”
    “Well,” Henry laughed. “I think that list covers almost everyone we met today.”
    “Except Ms. Werner,” Jessie added. “Should we write her down too?”
    “I don’t know,” Violet said. “She hasn’t done anything too weird—yet.”
    “Except giving Dante a marker and acting like Buffalo’s biggest fan,” Henry said to Violet.
    “Oh,” Violet said. “That reminds me. Ms. Werner had a coffee mug with a photo of a white fluffy dog on it. Ms. Werner seems to like white fluffy dogs.”
    “But Buffalo has
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