Super Powereds: Year 3

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Book: Super Powereds: Year 3 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Drew Hayes
decision is made,” Mr. Numbers told her. “Though the pool might be a small one. We will need someone willing to sign the proper waivers, and who has an actual desire to bunk with all of you, given your unfortunate reputation.”
    “Classy way to phrase that,” Alice said. With Nick gone, she felt someone had to take over at least part of the sarcasm duty.
    “Thank you,” Mr. Numbers said, either ignoring the barb or entirely ignorant of it.

    “—and then I woke up, sitting on a bench near the Psychology department’s building,” Vince concluded. “My bag was next to me; I don’t know how long I was there before I came around. As soon I realized where I was, though, I came to see you. That’s pretty much all of it.”
    Dean Blaine nodded, his eyes flicking to the other people in the room. All of the professors were in attendance, as was Mr. Transport, sitting by his charge’s side. There was also a man with shoulder-length dark hair, one Dean Blaine would have much rather left out of this interview. Ralph Chapman was a member of the board that oversaw all the Hero Certification Programs at colleges across the nation, and he had been handpicked to spearhead the investigation into Vince’s past, looking for information on Globe. He was also an unbearable ass. Still, the investigation was happening whether Dean Blaine liked it or not, and he wouldn’t do Vince any favors by impeding the man facilitating it. All that would come from such an action was himself being cut from the loop, leaving Vince truly on his own.
    “Are you certain that’s all?” Ralph asked, his tone probing but not accusatory. “No other details about Globe, what he’s planning, or where he is?”
    Vince shook his head. “I never got to see him or talk to him. I never beat George. I went to sleep expecting another day of fighting. Honestly, I didn’t even know how much time had passed; I completely lost track of the days out there.”
    “What about this place where he trained you? Could you find it if you saw it again?”
    “Maybe. I don’t know much about geography; are there a lot of flat, featureless areas in deserts?”
    “I think that’s a no,” Mr. Transport supplied helpfully. His years with Mr. Numbers had taught him a thing or two about reading people, and he already knew he didn’t like the outsider among them, pleasant smile be damned. He also knew better than to be openly defiant. This was a slow game, one that would be played over many months. Rash action aided no one.
    “I see,” Ralph said. “One last question. You say that George promised to turn himself in if you defeated him, and that you were free to quit and come home at any time. Why not just give up and alert the authorities?”
    “Because George should be in jail. I had the opportunity to make that happen, so I took it. Plus, I wanted to see my father.”
    “Your father,” Ralph repeated. “Globe, currently the most hunted criminal in the world, that’s the man you wanted to see?”
    “Yes,” Vince said immediately.
    “I suppose you’re going to tell me you had aspirations of bringing him to justice as well.”
    “Not really. I just wanted to see my father. I miss him.”
    “Vince, do you realize what you’re saying? This is a wanted villain we’re talking about, an accused murderer.”
    “If, tomorrow, your father robbed a bank, would that stop you from loving him?” Vince replied.
    “It might if he killed a man in the process.”
    “Then I feel sorry for you. You must have a pretty crappy father if he’s that easy to stop caring about.”
    “I think we’ve taken this line of questioning far enough,” Dean Blaine interrupted, working hard to hide the smirk that was manifesting at the sight of Ralph’s reddening features. “Was there anything else you needed to ask Vince directly?”
    “No,” Ralph said, after a momentary pause. “That’s fine. Thank you.”
    “Vince, Mr. Transport will see you to your dorm.
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