Substitute Bride (Beaufort Brides Book 2)

Substitute Bride (Beaufort Brides Book 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Substitute Bride (Beaufort Brides Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Noelle Adams
together soon. It feels
like I haven’t seen you in ages, and I miss you.”
    James tried to feel gratified, but mostly he just felt
annoyed. She was the one who’d bailed on their plans to go out on
Saturday, and she had a standing invitation to join him and the girls for
dinner, which she rarely took him up on. “Why don’t you come out tonight to
meet us? I know the girls would love to see you.”
    “They’ll be in bed by the time I get away, but I can come by
to see you if you want.”
    “Why can’t you leave now? If you’re just hanging out, I
    “It would be rude to just up and leave. I’ll give you a call
when I’m done here, though. Where will you be?”
    “I’m going now to Rosie’s family house. It’s in the historic
district.” He gave her the address.
    “Why are they at the nanny’s house?”
    James didn’t like how she said, “the nanny,” but this wasn’t
the time to address it. “They were playing dress-up or something. Anyway, I’ll
be there for a little while, but then we’ll probably head home. Give me a
call.” He cleared his throat and tried to sound serious as he added, “I’d like
for you to spend some more time with them. It’s important for them to get to
know their future stepmother.
    Genevieve must have heard something in his tone because she
was silent for a few moments. Then she said brightly, “I’ll get away as soon as
I can. Talk to you later, darling.”
    James stared at the phone, even though it had already
disconnected. He supposed it was always hard to marry someone when you already
had children. There would have to be a lot of adjustments, on both sides.
    Genevieve filled the slot in his life left vacant by his
wife perfectly. Everything had worked out very clearly in that regard. Melissa
had always loved to shop and go out to parties too. There was nothing at all
wrong with enjoying those things. He was just stressed lately and making a big
deal about nothing. Plus, his jaw had hurt all day, which was putting him in a
bad mood.
    Things would get better soon.
    He drove over to the Beaufort house, which was a gorgeous
old Colonial that had clearly been newly renovated. Even the landscaping was
    He knocked on the door, but no one answered, so he tried the
    It opened easily, so he just let himself in. Obviously, he
was expected. He’d told Rose that he was coming by.
    He hoped they didn’t leave the door unlocked all the time.
That didn’t seem very safe.
    He heard voices immediately, which gave him the clue about
why no one had heard him knock. They were coming from the back of the house,
and they were raised in laughter and what sounded like cheering from Julie.
    He followed the sound past a sitting room and a dining room
and walked back to what looked like a mini-ballroom with lovely marbled floor
and two chandeliers.
    There wasn’t much furniture in the room, making for a wide
open area in the middle, where his daughters and Rose were dancing.
    An old woman, probably Rose’s grandmother, was playing a
slightly out of tune piano. The girls were in oversized old-fashioned dresses,
with a lot of hats and scarves and do-dahs on. Several creepy stuffed cats were
scattered throughout the floor, paired up as if they were supposed to be other
    But his eyes landed on Rose and couldn’t look away. She was
dressed in a beautiful white lace dress that molded her figure in a way James
had never seen before.
    He stared at her, amazed by how gorgeous she looked, how
fresh and happy she looked, dancing with his daughters. They were all three
dancing together, circling around until Jill saw him.
    The dancing stopped immediately as both girls ran over to
hug him.
    He bent over to hug them back, but his eyes were on Rose,
who was approaching, looking flushed and a little self-conscious. “Oh, I didn’t
realize you’d get here this soon. We can get changed just as quick as you
    James could barely move. He
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