said, it takes some broads getting completely beat down to learn their lesson. I hope it doesn’t come to blows with Cameron, but if it does I’m not holding back. Whether she knows it or not, Cameron’s playing with poison and I’ve had just about all I can take of her madness. Unfortunately, Jeremy’s addictions are what got us into this mess and it’s going to take a strong antidote to get us out.
“Life is a gamble… Whether or not you play the game is up to you.”
-Lynn Marie
Drama High, volume 14: So, So Hood
* * *
Compared to the early morning episode between Misty and KJ the rest of the school day was uneventful. Even Cameron’s over-the-top flirting with Jeremy was no match for KJ groveling after an unconcerned Misty during both break and lunch. Mickey and Nellie got a kick out of it, but I was truly disturbed. Whatever Misty’s got going on is proving to be both powerful and dangerous. If she can get the school’s biggest player to turn in his pimp card, she’s definitely got bigger and better things planned for the future.
During break I attempted to divert Mickey’s attention long enough to talk about her ex-man’s arraignment in a few minutes but she wouldn’t hear me. And Nellie dominated the lunch conversation talking about her boyfriend, David and their day at church yesterday. Nellie’s really on one with this cat but there’s something about him I don’t trust.
I asked both of my girls if they’d show up to the courthouse for support but they each had something else to do. I can’t imagine what since neither of them have jobs nor believe in studying. Mickey’s daughter, Nickey Shantae, is at daycare until six and Nellie has nothing to do other than try to fit in where she doesn’t belong.
When I pull up to the Compton courthouse members of the Gunlock Block Club are in front of the white building chanting in unison. Mama and Netta made various picket signs and thousands of fliers to pass out to anyone who’ll take them. I park at one of the metered spaces up the street ready to lend my support. I’d rather be making money but we all can’t have the leisurely choices my girls apparently do.
“Jayd,” one of Mama’s more friendly neighbors, Mrs. Gray says to me. She’s also one of Daddy’s most loyal church members. “Your grandparents are inside. They’re about to start the proceedings soon.”
Making my way through the lively familiar faces, I step inside the building and stand in line for the security screening. Once through the metal detectors, Mama greets me and leads me to where her, Daddy, Netta and the defendant are awaiting their turn in front of the judge.
“Hey, baby,” Mama says, hugging me tightly. She looks more tired than usual. I return the love and take her right hand, falling into step with her quick pace. “The court-appointed attorney has just arrived.”
Mama opens the door to a waiting area for defendants and their attorneys. Usually family members would be here for extra support, but since Mickey’s ex seems to be missing his we’re here to stand in their place. Other than us, the attorney and a police officer are present in the small cubical. There about twenty identical makeshift spaces in the open area, all filled with other prisoners and their associates.
Mickey’s ex smiles when I enter the space. I hate the way he looks at me.
“We’re here to support this young man,” Daddy says, pointing toward Mickey’s ex boyfriend who looks as if he couldn’t care less that my grandparents and several other neighbors are present to proclaim his innocence. The others more so out of fear than faith, but Mama and Daddy know it wasn’t him that did this to Pam. It was our diabolic neighbor, Esmeralda and her manimal who are responsible for this. We don’t know how yet, but the truth will be revealed if Mama has anything to say about it. And much to the officer’s offense, she’s got plenty to share this
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Tom - Jack Ryan 09 Clancy