Strangers on the Tube 2

Strangers on the Tube 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Strangers on the Tube 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: C.J. Newt
of a sound that reminds him of his father.  He takes a deep breath and stares at his hands.  It will be his stop soon.
        And just who do we see entering the carriage as if she owned it?  Serena, who is sleeping with an opposition MP and has a secret file in her possession.  Anyone who reads a newspaper or watches the news could not have missed the spectacular fall of the MP whom Serena’s lover went after in order to secure his position which is higher up in the political trough.  Party headquarters however weren’t happy.  For while it is okay to quietly smear a member in another political party, it isn’t seen as good sport to target and destroy a member of your own party, and this is exactly what Serena and her lover have done.  We’ll call Serena’s lover Philip, for one must remain very discreet in such political matters and it wouldn’t do to spread his name.  Paid bribes from a large retailer were offered to Philip a year ago.  He refused as he doesn’t need the money, but he saw the meetings taking place between the retailer and his fellow member on the committee whom we’ll call Fred.  A hired detective and six weeks later Philip has a dossier on the man, with tapes, photographs, and records of bank transfers. 
        Serena brushes her hair from her face with her perfectly manicured hand.  Her eyes sweep the carriage, taking in the three men watching her.  She quarter pouts and closes her eyes.  The look on the chief’s face when she handed over the file was priceless.  It wouldn’t do for Philip to personally hand over such damning evidence.  The chief knows who she is and just as he starts to threaten the end of Philip’s career, she drops her bombshell.  “Don’t bother trying to bury it, the press already know!”  Priceless.  She thought the fat bastard might keel over with a heart attack right there, in his plush office.  Holding the upper hand, she touched his cheek, and said, “Give Phil the position, because I have more dirt.  Fred wasn’t the only one.”  Blinking her strikingly blue eyes, she smiled at the chief and left his office confident that she had secured a cushy number for her lover, and she was right.  And now… now she is on the way to Philip’s office to make a few demands and collect a substantial bonus.  He wined and dined her something chronic after the story exploded and he was summonsed to party headquarters and promoted.  He still doesn’t know what she said to the chief but being the man that he is, he doesn’t really give a shit.  He has been promoted and can live with the way in which the chief now looks at him; a combination of hatred, suspicion and anger.   Yes, she is going to lay out a few demands, and if his bitch wife is there again, then there will be fireworks.  She has moved Philip up to the next level politically and she means to be up there with him to enjoy the spoils.  If anyone tries to hold her back, they will regret it, and that includes Philip himself.  Yes, tonight they will have supper.  Philip doesn’t yet realise that he will indeed be eating her out until the early hours of the morning.  Serena smiles to herself.  Oh the thrill of it all.  And the new perfume she is wearing that he bought her last week is simply gorgeous.  She can smell herself and wonders how her three admirers can hold themselves back.  As she departs the carriage, she ignores the longing looks on their faces, men who no doubt would do anything to be in Philip’s position tonight.
        Beth has stolen her husband’s most treasured bible.  When he turns the hotel room upside down, she will tell him that she recalls him reading it in the airport lounge while they waited for their flight.  Indeed, he did take it out at one stage when an admirer of his approached them and asked for his blessing.  As always, he will take her suggestion as fact and no doubt complain about his own stupidity for the rest of the trip.  It’s a
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