Stolen Treasures

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Book: Stolen Treasures Read Online Free PDF
Author: Summer Waters
nestling in tissue paper. Pushing it aside with a finger she nearly dropped the box in shock. The base of the dish was resting in the curled arms of a dead starfish.
    “No!” exclaimed Antonia thrusting the box back at Emily. “I can’t take this.”

Chapter Seven
    “O f course you can.” Emily handed the box back but Antonia clenched her hands and refused to take it. “Please, Antonia. You deserve it.”
    “No, I don’t. I didn’t do anything. I don’t want it,” she said, stepping back and bumping into the lockers.
    “It’s not that expensive, honest,” Emily appealed to her in front of the watching girls. “Mum makes them. She’s really clever with her hands.”
    “It’s beautiful,” said a girl called Rose. “Where’s your mum’s shop? It’s my sister’s birthday soon. She’d love something like that.”
    While Emily gave Rose directions, Antonia slipped unnoticed through the crowd and into the swimming pool. By the time Emily followed her, Antonia was safely in the pool, swimming lengths to warm up. Emily waved and mouthed something but Antonia pretended not to see her. Four swimming coaches taught the squad and, luckily for Antonia, she was put in a different group fromEmily. At the end of the training session, Antonia’s coach let her group out of the water first. Antonia hared over to the changing room and changed without showering or drying her hair. Luck was still on her side. She saw in the spectators’ gallery that Dad had come early to watch her swim, so she didn’t have to hang around and risk bumping into Emily again.
    “Where’s the fire?” joked Dad, as Antonia hurried him to the car.
    “I’m tired,” said Antonia, slumping down into the passenger seat.
    She was annoyed with herself. Why hadn’t she been more truthful? She’d had the perfect opportunity to tell Emily what she thought of her parents’ shop, but she’d chickened outand let her think she didn’t deserve a gift.
    I couldn’t tell her with everyone listening in
, Antonia reasoned in her head, but deep down she knew that it wasn’t a good excuse. Emily’s parents were in the wrong and by keeping quiet so was she. Antonia felt miserable, knowing she’d let everyone down, especially her dolphins. What would Spirit think of her now?
    I’ll tell Emily tomorrow
, Antonia promised herself.
I’ll get her on her own so I don’t embarrass her
    She spent ages in front of the mirror rehearsing what she would say. It wasn’t easy, particularly because she’d promised Claudia she’d give Emily a chance. But surely Claudia didn’t mean keeping quiet oversomething as important as this? Antonia wished Claudia understood that Emily was as bad as her parents.
    Antonia half-expected Emily to waylay her in the playground before school and try to give her the ‘stardish’ again, but there was no sign of any of Year Six.
    “They’re rehearsing for their leavers’ play,” said Cai, when Antonia asked where everyone was hiding. “They had to come to school early because it’s the first time they’ve practised with costumes.”
    Feeling frustrated, Antonia kicked at a football heading towards her. The ball spun across the playground to Toby who, with a fancy bit of footwork, scored a goal.
    “Way to go!” he cried, rushing across theplayground to high-five Antonia. “Want to be on our team?”
    “No, thanks,” said Antonia, grinning in spite of herself.
    At lunchtime, Antonia was sitting on the field eating her packed lunch with Cai and Toby, when Emily broke away from a group of Year Sixes and came and sat next to them.
    “Sorry about last night,” she said, staring straight at Antonia as she pulled a cheese-and-pickle sandwich out of her lunchbox. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Dad says I’m as subtle as an elephant in a tutu.”
    Antonia tried to swallow a mouthful of cake but it stuck in her throat and she ended up choking.
    “Steady,” said Cai, banging her on theback as she coughed and
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