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Book: Statistic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dawn Robertson
because I should have known this is exactly what our divorce would come to.
    “Liam, now you know that isn't appropriate. Now go get in bed. Please.” He skips out of the room singing the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme as he makes his way to the Captain America themed bedroom I decorated at his command. Anything to make the split easier on him was my motto. It was bad enough we had to move.
    My forehead presses against the bathroom mirror and I let out another long sigh. If Colin doesn't cut this bullshit, I will drag his ass right back to court. Everything was fine until he caught wind I was dating again. One of his co-workers came across my dating profile and of course it only took a matter of minutes for it to turn into World War Three. He can do whatever he wants, but apparently I need his permission to move on.
    I pick up my phone and type out a short but vile text.
    Stop feeding Liam bullshit. Don't think I won't cancel your visits. Try Me.
    I hate being a bitch. I really do. But, it is better off for him in the long run. I hate it that he thinks he can walk all over me. I am not the Aurora he married. I am new and improved. Take no bullshit from men. Well, at least that is what I keep telling myself anyway.
    I look in the mirror and examine all the changes he has caused. My typically short blonde hair is now long with a strawberry tint, cascading down my back. My once bright green eyes are clouded, the darkest they have ever been. He sucked the life out of me and now it is my turn to bring my soul back to life.
    I grab my laptop and head for bed. Fifteen minutes till I meet Wesley on Skype and for once I don't look completely haggard by the end of the day. I peek in Liam's room and he is already fast asleep. I pull the plush blanket up, tuck him in and kiss his forehead. This boy is my life. I don't even know where I would be today if it wasn't for him.
    Letting out a deep breath, I plop down into a sea of decorative pillows on my bed just as my Skype connection starts to ring and Wesley's face appears. God he is gorgeous.
    “Wow, you are way more beautiful than in your pictures on Fish in the Sea,” he starts the conversation. His smile is genuine and I can tell because even his green eyes are smiling at me through the computer screen. This is the first time I had ever skyped with someone The whole web cam thing was kind of a put off to me; something that seemed immature, but it was convenient for testing the waters with Wesley. I wasn’t comfortable enough to meet him yet, even if he only lived on the other side of my small town.
    “You aren’t too bad on the eyes yourself,” I laugh and return the smile to him. We both sit there grinning like fools. “So, this is my first time on Skype. I’ve never done anything like this before.” I admit as I start to feel ever more comfortable about our chat.
    “It’s nothing big. Just two adults talking… right? I mean, if this is what I have to do to finally get you to agree to dinner with me.” he laughs and runs his hand through his dark brown hair. It is messy and from what I can see, he is laying in bed. It is almost eleven at night, so I can only assume he will be going to bed shortly.
    “I will. Some day.” I joke with him. I hear Liam rustling around in his room and I excuse myself for a moment to check on him. Apparently the voices were enough to rouse my little man, so Wesley and I decide to use the typing option while we stare at each other through web cam. It is a bit silly and awkward at first, but over time I feel like it is just second nature.
StrawberryMom: So what do you do for fun?
RealEstateBoss: Fun? Ha! I will start off with the G rated list I guess. Boating, extreme sports, dining out, gambling (I love Vegas) surfing, cooking for lovely ladies like yourself.
StrawberryMom: Oh, I am sure there are tons of those waiting around for you. LOL
RealEstateBoss: There used to be, but I guess I am just not really into all that much anymore. I am sick of
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