father, Douglas A. Derrington.”
The “better” plans Grandfather Ainsworth had made for his favorite granddaughter did not include her marriage to the
haole Keno, even if he did have an “Englishman from a good family” for a father. The Englishman had left for England without abackward glance, even before Keno’s first cry was heard.
Grandfather had replaced the loss of his firstborn son, Douglas, with Candace, often smothering her unintentionally with family plans. “You’re a fine Derrington,” he would say.
Candace complained, “The shoes don’t fit, Grandfather, and they never will.” But Ainsworth merely smiled. He believed that if they didn’t fit now, they eventually would.
Zachary shook his blond head. “That’s not the worst of the news. Grandfather isn’t returning alone. There are several people from San Francisco in his party, including Oliver P. Hunnewell. This is going to be Candace’s dark hour, I’m afraid.”
Oliver P. Hunnewell was Ainsworth’s choice to become Candace’s husband. Several years ago, their grandfather began forging an alliance with the highly respected George F. Hunnewell of San Francisco and Honolulu with this in mind. The Hunnewell family was well known in society and respected by others with wealth and power. George F. Hunnewell was one of the mighty sugar kings in California, along with Parker Judson and Eden’s own family, the Derringtons. Certain newspapers had named them “the Big Three.”
“Candace thinks she can avoid this marriage,” Zachary said, gloom returning to his voice. “She’d like to love and live unpretentiously with Keno in a little grass hut. I told her she doesn’t realize what she’s coming up against when the Derrington patriarchs want to expand the sugar industry and enter politics.”
“I believe she does know,” Eden said. “Candace is no girlish simpleton. She’s not after a ‘grass hut’ as you suggest, but a man who is a strong Christian. She’s already told me she won’t marry a man, no matter how wealthy and important he is, if he’s not a believer.”
“Well, Oliver
a believer. So she has no recourse where Grandfather’s concerned. All the Hunnewells are Christians. They come from missionary stock, same as us—and Rafe Easton, for that matter. His father just lost his wealth, that’s all, and now Rafe’s planning on getting it back. As for Oliver, he even goes to church most Sundays.”
“Unless it’s raining, or too hot, or he’d rather sleep late,” she said lightly.
“When he’s home in the islands, he does go to Kawaiahao.” Kawaiahao, the historical missionary church was across the street from the royal Iolani Palace.
Eden grew serious. “Candace doesn’t think he’s sincere, Zachary. He’s what she calls a nominal Christian, whereas Keno is genuine.”
“And, she loves him. I know.” He grew quiet a moment. “Well, she knows I’m all for her. And she knows she can count on you, too. The thing is, her simple piety just won’t work in this situation. Not with Grandfather. Wait and see.”
“It’s not just piety. She wants a firm foundation to build her life and family on, not piles of sugar-gold.”
“Oh I know, I know. It’s just that Derrington marriages have always been this way—first approved by the patriarchs. Except for Uncle Jerome’s, that is.” He glanced at her. “When he married your mother it was against all the family rules—and he’s paid, too.”
Yes, he paid in full
, Eden thought, refusing to take offense from Zachary’s thoughtless words. They had all paid. Her father, her mother, and she herself.
“And what about me?” he added. “Candace is not the only one whose marriage is prearranged. It’s my duty as a Derrington to marry Claudia Hunnewell, Oliver’s sister!”
Eden couldn’t help but laugh, for he looked so self-sacrificing. “Poor Zachary. It’s your
suffering duty for the Derrington name
to marry Claudia, who at one time