Spinning Starlight

Spinning Starlight Read Online Free PDF

Book: Spinning Starlight Read Online Free PDF
Author: R.C. Lewis
after the triplets moved out, all of the boys got busier than ever, more distracted…and that was saying something.
    But none of them told me anything. They kept me in silence, and I don’t know why, but I refuse to stay in it now.
    “Okay, fine. Maybe they were doing some experiments and got stuck. How do we get them out?”
    “That’s the question. And I don’t know if there’s an answer.”

Nevi Jantzen was the most important man on Sampati—and arguably on all the Seven Points—with near-constant demands on his attention.
    That didn’t stop him from sneaking away from the office during lunch to spend time in the park with his kids. Especially baby Liddi and the triplets. Ciro, Marek, and Emil had been
born after Nevi’s father died, passing the reins of JTI officially into Nevi’s hands. They would have no memory of life before their father was the head of the company, but he was
determined to ensure they would have memories of him being their father.
    One day brought such a lunch hour with Nevi in the park with Liddi. The boys hadn’t wanted to stop their work, and he wasn’t going to force them to. So Liddi had him all to
herself, squealing with exhilaration as he pushed her on the swings, or going down the slide on her own as long as he caught her at the bottom.
    As she went to climb to the top of the slide again, her little face screwed up and she waved a hand by her ear like she was shooing a bug away.
    Her father spotted it, though. Not a bug.
    “Hey,” he said sternly. “I’ve told you to stay away from my kids.”
    The vid-cam persisted, barely moving out of range of Liddi’s hands.
    “Have it your way.”
    Nevi reached in his pocket and pulled out a tiny device he’d been meaning to test. He touched the button to activate it, and the vid-cam fell to the ground, dead. The device in his
hand likewise sparked and shorted out, though.
, bad!” Liddi said.
    “That’s right, Liddi-Loo. And this thing has some promise. Daddy’ll work on it this afternoon. But first, one more time down the slide!”

MINALI SENDS MESSAGES to the top technologists at JTI, anyone who’s ever worked on anything related to the conduits, right down to the
communication interlocks. Everyone’s reassigned to the new project, but she asks me not to mention my brothers, just sticks to a general story that the conduits
malfunctioned, someone
be stuck, so we need to collect and analyze all the data possible. She doesn’t want news getting out and starting a panic, which makes sense. The whole
building thrums with people murmuring into their earpieces, and images I’m not familiar with flash across wallscreens.
    They work all that day. And the next, and the one after that. I go home just long enough to sleep each night, and only when Minali shuts everyone down because sleep-deprived brains don’t
do great work. Except, thinking of my brothers trapped in a hyperdimensional state just outside our reality makes sleep impossible.
    I try to keep up with the technologists. I try to follow along and offer suggestions. I try to dig in and find the missing pieces, because these aren’t just the top technologists in the
Seven Points who need help. These are
my brothers
. Even if they never touch another piece of technology again, I need them. The eight of them are all I have.
    Half of what I hear makes sense, but the other half is missing a connection. Someone states a fact about the conduits. I ask why it’s so. Their explanation feels as useless as saying,
“Because it is.”
    Just like when I try to come up with something for the Tech Reveal. I’m a step behind.
    Worse. I’m in the way. That much is obvious when Minali finally pulls me aside.
    “Liddi, you’re exhausted. Maybe you should get some rest.”
    I get the message. “Tell me something first. Where do we stand?”
    She smooths a hand over her hair. “Hard to say. The conduits are failing. We have time, but if we
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