
Spheria Read Online Free PDF

Book: Spheria Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cody Leet
Tags: Sci-fi Novel
Lumen Walk. This cave and cup, discovered by those long forgotten, can show us things that others will never see.”  
    Le∙ma glanced up and could see that what initially appeared to be a gentle upwards slope was actually comprised of a series of steps.  
    Following her gaze, Sa∙ma continued. “We call these the Uplift Steps. They were created in ancient times when Spheria was forming. Like the one we’re on, each has a concave shape that we can rest in.”
    “How can we climb them?” Le∙ma asked with puzzlement.
    “It takes a particular skill, which I'm about to teach you. Observe me.”
    Sa∙ma stretched two of his four legs downward on one side. This altered the balance of the repulsion and he was pushed away from his position. As he slowed, he stretched out the opposite two legs and his direction was reversed. But since he was starting higher along the curve, he went a bit farther up the opposite side this time. This he repeated, over and over, until he shot over the rim of the basin and out of Le∙ma’s sight.
    Le∙ma found this floating phenomenon intriguing, and definitely foreign to her. But in a strange way, it made sense. She imitated Sa∙ma and after a few false starts, she got it. Once she found the rhythm, it became easy. She flew over the lip and landed on the higher step. Sa∙ma was there waiting for her, lying on his back. He tapped his feet to his belly, showing her his approval for her achievement.
    “This is fun!” she exclaimed.
    “Yes, it is. One of the perks of being chosen for this path. But come, we’ve got many more steps to climb. We have a long journey before nightfall.”
    They climbed and climbed, in the same manner. There were about thirty of these steps, although Le∙ma had lost count at about fifteen. Finally, they reached the top. As Le∙ma slid to the opposite edge, she was startled to be looking down an almost sheer face of mountain rock. The drop was formidable and frightening. She flailed her legs, struggling to push herself backward.
    “Calm, my child,” said Sa∙ma. “We’re at the Apex of the World. This is the highest known reachable point ever discovered.”
    Le∙ma looked up at the glowing Source. Indeed, they seemed noticeably closer to it. They were about a third of the way from the ground to the center of their spherical world where the Source floated. She stared at it in awe. It was definitely larger than she’d ever seen it. Even the lands on the other side of the Source seemed closer, although still an impossible distance away.
    “Remember, it's impolite to stare at the Source. The gods dwell there, looking down upon us. When you stare at the Source, you may be staring into the eyes of any god watching us, and you may offend him. A glance is okay, but a stare not so.” She averted her eyes.
    “The Source looks amazing,” she muttered. “I feel almost like I could touch it. What would happen if I did?”
    Sa∙ma glanced up at it, too long actually, caught himself, and looked away. He looked back at Le∙ma and said, “It’s never happened. It’s said that any who touch the Source will get pulled into it. They’ll dwell there forever, amongst the gods. Inside, there’s endless energy and everything you could ever need or want. Nothing there can ever harm you, and you will never die. As you can see looking at the entire world, there are no mountains high enough to even come close. But enough of looking up, we’re here to look down. Please, float to each edge of this basin and look upon this valley, until you get a sense of the wonder around us.”
    Le∙ma did as she was told, having gained a good command of what she called “the push.” She propelled herself, not back and forth, but in a spiral motion. This led to her sliding around the perimeter of the circular step. As she did so, she focused her attention downward and outward, looking at the ground nearby. This was different than looking upwards toward the opposite lands that formed
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