Spellbound Fireflies

Spellbound Fireflies Read Online Free PDF

Book: Spellbound Fireflies Read Online Free PDF
Author: bats
    Sweetie Belle’s chest heaved with a deep breath and she swung her head violently, bringing the bell to riotous life. She dropped the chord from her jaw and sprang off the porch, galloping with abandon across the yard. The jangling continued to roll through the air as she dived head first into the hay pile, wriggling out the other side to join her friends, stray bits of gold caught in her mane.
    They peered around the edges of their cover, watching light flood out of the bay window. Applejack’s silhouette was framed in the open doorway. Her Stetson turned side to side as she searched the porch. The fillies heard indistinct muttering as Applejack shut the door. The downstairs window went dark a moment later.
    Apple Bloom stifled a giggle behind a hoof. “Alright, now go do it again.”
    “Wait a minute!” Sweetie Belle balked, “Let her get all the way upstairs first!” Scootaloo joined the earth filly in clamping hooves over muzzle, playfully poking Sweetie in the ribs. “Knock it off, I’ll go in a minute!” she hissed.
    After several minutes of silence from the house, Sweetie Belle stepped with trepidation from their hiding spot, her trek across the yard even more skittish. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both had their hooves shoved tightly against their mouths to contain their laughter, tears springing to their eyes from the strain. The little unicorn got back to the porch, her small frame vibrating with nervousness. She grabbed the cord and rung the bell again, launching herself from the porch after two rings.
    She tripped over her hooves and went sprawling in the dirt halfway to the hay pile. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both lost the reins on their giggles as she scrambled back to standing and hurled herself the rest of the distance, collapsing against the two laughing fillies and taking large gulps of air. They quieted down, watching the light flood the yard again.
    “Anypony out there?” The farm pony’s voice was tinged with annoyance. She thunked the door shut and cast the yard back into darkness. The three could hear the sound sound of tromping hooves going up stairs dully reverberating from the house.
    “Aw man, she’s mad now, AB,” Sweetie Belle whispered with worry, “I did it twice, that’s good enough.”
    “The dare was three times.” Apple Bloom smirked wickedly. “Or do ya want to tell us which one you like the best?”
    The filly grumbled loudly. “Alright, alright. But I’m gonna wait a while, so she’ll calm down.”
    They hunkered down to wait, watching the house around the hay. The adrenaline slowly worked its way out of Sweetie Belle’s system, her jitters ebbing away and her breathing evening out. After a while, she set her jaw and headed across the yard, her steps quiet, but bold. Easing onto the porch, she turned and waved with a grin on her face. As she grasped the string, the door swung open.
    “Aha!” Applejack shouted. Sweetie Belle shrieked and scrambled backwards, taking off across the yard. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom joined her gallop back through the orchards, the mare’s cry of, "Apple Bloom! Y'all girls better knock it off, 'fore I tan your hide!" echoing through the trees. They giggled madly as they ran back to the clubhouse, flopping around the lantern’s tiny light and breathing heavily.
    “Alright, Scoots,” Sweetie Belle said with a breathless chuckle, “Truth or Dare?”
    The pegasus’ muscles screamed in protest when she sat up. “Ooh, better go with truth. And don’t you make me have to choose between you two or anything.”
    Sweetie sat up, rubbing her face with a hoof. “I can’t think of any questions…You have any, Apple Bloom?”
    Eyes lighting up, Apple Bloom leaned forward over the lantern. “I got a good one.”
    Scootaloo groaned. “You’re gonna ask me somethin’ awful and make me do a dare, aren’t you? Everything hurts, AB!”
    “Okay, how’s this? I’ll ask a question we all haveta answer an’ I’ll go first. That
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