Speak Easy

Speak Easy Read Online Free PDF

Book: Speak Easy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Harlow
Tags: Romance, Historical, new adult
these things as if he were reciting the menu at a roadhouse diner. I shivered, even though I was sweating.
    “I don’t understand. Why would anyone want to harm us or the business?”
    “It’s nothing personal, piccolina . In fact, it’s a compliment. Your father is a small fish, but he runs such a good operation, he’s caught the attention of bigger fish.”
    “Sharks,” said Raymond.
    “Exactly,” agreed the man. “And sharks, when they see the fine meal of a small fish, they get greedy. They get hungry. They want a piece of the meal for themselves.”
    “And you’re the shark?”
    He laughed, revealing straight white teeth. “Of course not. I’m here to protect you from the sharks. I have offered this protection to Jack several times already, but each time he has ignored my request to meet and discuss it. That’s dangerous.” His eyes slid sideways to my father.
    I swallowed. “How much for this…protection?”
    “Ten thousand dollars.”
    My mouth gaped open. “Ten thousand dollars!”
    “To let him live tonight, I will accept half.”
    “I don’t have five thousand dollars,” I said, my eyes filling.
    “That’s unfortunate.” He reached inside his coat, and I put my hands out. Daddy was going to die if I didn’t think of something— fast .
    “Wait! Just wait. Maybe I can get it.”
    “That’s a good girl.” He took his hand from his coat, empty.
    My brain was reeling. Was today’s take still here in the office? If it was, they’d probably already stolen it. Daddy kept no spare cash at the garage, I knew that much, but we did have booze. “OK. This afternoon my father and I brought at least twenty cases of whisky here. They’re in the basement, hidden in some rooms beyond the south wall. You can have them all.”
    “That ain’t five thousand bucks,” spat Raymond.
    “We also have at least two cases of scotch.”
    “What kind of scotch?” the man asked.
    “Good stuff. Imported from Europe and smuggled through Canada by rail. Expensive—we sell it for one twenty-five per bottle.” I’d just offered all our stock; it had to be worth five thousand, probably more, but I wasn’t capable of arithmetic just then.
    The man thought for a moment, his eyes on me. “I’ll accept this offer. On one condition.”
    “You bring me ten thousand dollars in cash this week.”
    “Ten minus five is only another five!”
    He shrugged. “Those are my terms. And my final offer to let him live tonight.”
    My guts churned—there was no way we could come up with ten grand in a week—but what choice did I have? “Deal. Now will you let us go?”
    “I’ll let you go. He stays with me until I have the money.” A smile crept onto his lips. “Why don’t you come down to my club tomorrow night, piccolina ? We’ll discuss the details of this arrangement in a more civilized manner, and you’ll bring me one hundred dollars as a sign of good faith.”
    I twisted my clammy hands together. “Where are you taking him?”
    “Never mind about that. I won’t kill him if you keep your word.” Then, as casually as if he were brandishing a stick of chewing gum, he pulled the gun from his coat and aimed it at my chest. “But I won’t think twice about killing both of you if you don’t.”
    Fear gashed my heart so sharply I thought he might have pulled the trigger. “I’ll be there.”
    “Splendid.” The corners of his mouth tipped up. He looked vaguely familiar in that moment, but I couldn’t place his face. He was about Daddy’s age, but taller, leaner through the middle. His hair was so dark it appeared black, and his features were narrow and even—no scars or evidence of a broken nose or jaw. “I confess, I didn’t like the idea of doing business with a girl,” he continued, “but this has been almost enjoyable. I feel certain once your father comes to, he will be more willing to negotiate with me. Now, how do we access those rooms?” The gun was still pointed at me, and
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