Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller)

Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Souls At Zero (A Dark Psychological Thriller) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Neal Martin
broken English as he stared down at the unconscious man on the floor of his cafe.
    "Phone an ambulance, please," Blutwolf said, satisfied to see the Korean man scuttle off into the back of the cafe out of sight.
    Blutwolf, wearing a long black coat as well as the black baseball cap, glanced at the windows at the front of the cafe. He would have to be quick in case any more customers came in. He didn't want to have to spill blood, but he would if necessary, with the suppressed Beretta inside his coat. He positioned himself behind the girl as she leaned over Edger, crying her little heart out, obviously thinking her daddy was dead or dying. Blutwolf took advantage of the girl's distractedness and took a syringe out of his coat pocket. Then he went around behind the girl and with practised swiftness, he put a hand over her mouth and stabbed the needle of the syringe into the side of her neck, flooding her system with Ketamine before she could even think to struggle. Within seconds, the girl fell unconscious into his arms. Blutwolf put the empty syringe back in his coat pocket, before scooping the girl up in his arms and immediately heading for the front door of the cafe.
    Behind him, he heard the Korean man shout something, but Blutwolf ignored him. As he neared the door with the girl in his arms, a man and a woman entered the cafe, frowns of confusion on their faces as they saw him coming towards them. "Medical emergency!" he shouted. "Move!"
    Shocked, the man held the door open for him. "Is she alright?"
    "She will be." Blutwolf moved quickly through the door and headed down the street a bit, where the blue Ford Mondeo was parked. He kept his head low as people on the street stared at him, but no one tried to stop him as he calmly carried the unconscious girl to the car. He held her up with one arm as he used the other to open the back door of the car, then he carefully laid the girl down in the back seat. She would be out for a while. Long enough for him to get out of the city so he could secure her properly.
    "Do you need help?" he heard someone say behind him, but he ignored the person as he cantered around to the driver's side door and got into the car. As he started the engine, he saw the Korean cafe owner standing out on the street, along with the couple who passed him on his way out. The three of them were shouting and pointing to the car.
    Blutwolf pulled his baseball cap down low on his forehead, gunned the engine of the Ford Mondeo and drove off at a fast pace.

    When Edger opened his eyes he didn't know where he was. A blinding pain in his head made him groan like a sick dog. Then he heard a voice that sounded far away, like it was coming down a tunnel at him. "Try and be still," the voice said. "You've been drugged, Mr. Edger."
    He opened his eyes to see a strange face hanging over him. A man with a light goatee beard. "I'm with the paramedics," the man said. "You need to lie still until your equilibrium returns or—"
    Edger sat up. As soon as he did he wished he hadn't, because his head began to spin horribly, which was followed up with a terrible nausea that immediately made him vomit.
    "Jesus!" a different voice said, as Edger emptied the contents of his stomach onto the floor and over a pair of shoes that were positioned next to him. When he finished vomiting he felt better. His head began to clear.
    And then he remembered. "Kaitlin!" he said.
    "Kaitlin?" yet another voice said. "Is that the girl who was with you, Mr. Edger? Was she your daughter?"
    Edger stood up on shaky legs, helped by one of the paramedics. It was then that he realised he was still in the cafe on Botanic Avenue. As well as the two paramedics, there was two cops from the Police Service of Northern Ireland standing in front of him. "Where's my daughter?" Edger asked the cops. Somewhere amid the fog in his head was the answer to that question. He just
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