Soul Seducer

Soul Seducer Read Online Free PDF

Book: Soul Seducer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alicia Dean
meandered closer. Audra knelt in the flowerbed beneath the front window, pulling weeds from the ground. As he reached the curb across the street, she froze, lifting her head.
    He halted, dread settling in his gut. Had she sensed him? Surely she hadn’t really seen them in her room that night? Couldn’t still see them? If so, that would be disastrous.
    He was debating whether to test the theory by approaching her when he felt a familiar pulling at his mind. The sensation seeped downward to his chest, growing until it was almost painful.
    He was being summoned. Someone was in jeopardy. He wouldn’t know if they were to be taken until it was over, but he had to go. Had to be there in case Gaylen got any ideas about making an appearance. He backed away, keeping Audra in his sight for as long as possible.
    He let the sensation lead him to a small motel room. Not exactly a five-star one from the looks of it.
    The room held two occupants. The girl was young, maybe in her late teens, although admittedly it was becoming more and more difficult for him to guess ages. After being dead for over two hundred years, that was to be expected.
    A man crouched over the girl. Dimitri could only see the back of him, but he appeared to be older than she. His hair showed hints of gray, and his damp T-shirt was molded to rolls of fat. The bottom of a tattoo was visible beneath the sleeve of his shirt. Was that a dragon? A dinosaur? Dimitri squinted. Maybe Godzilla. It was definitely some kind of monster. Fitting.
    The man cut the strap of the girl’s pink, lacey bra. She screamed, and he clamped his hand over her mouth. Mascara-smeared eyes wide with terror, she fought against his grip, but she was no match for the man’s strength, or for his frenzied excitement.
    The girl’s pale, pink-streaked hair clung damply to her cheeks as she wept. Skimpy clothing lay discarded on the floor. A prostitute, perhaps? Or maybe just a foolish runaway who had no idea what kind of danger she’d gotten herself into when she took to the streets. She certainly had an idea now.
    No light filtered in through the curtained windows. The room was nearly dark, save for the glow of the muted TV. The screen flickered with images of people at a party, drinking, laughing, while on the bed in the room that reeked of sweat, old food, and fear, the girl struggled for her life.
    Dimitri positioned himself at the side of the bed. He could now see the man’s face. A goatee sprouted from his chin. The skin on his forehead was slick with perspiration. Older, just as Dimitri had guessed, but how much older he couldn’t be certain.
    The pink scrap of material now lay in tatters next to the terrified girl. Still holding the knife with one hand, the man squeezed her bare, exposed breast with the other. His fat jiggled as he pounded into the girl, his grunts of pleasure nearly drowning out her pain-filled cries.
    After a few moments, he collapsed on top of her, his hand sliding away from her mouth.
    “Let me go, please,” she whimpered. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
    The man roused and stared down at her, blinking rapidly as if unsure who she was or what had just happened. “Sorry. Can’t do that.”
    “But, you don’t have to hurt me. I don’t know your name, don’t know who you are. I can’t tell them—”
    “Shhhh,” he interrupted, his whispered voice gratingly loud in the small room. “Really. You have to stop babbling.”
    “Okay. Anything you say.” Her round gaze now reflected a glimmer of hope.
    The man’s brows drew together, and he studied her for a moment. Then, as casually as he might have changed the channel with the remote lying nearby, he lifted the knife and slid it across her neck.
    Her eyes widened further, and her hands flew to her throat. She made a gurgling noise, blood pumping from the gaping wound in her neck.
    The man wiped the knife on the sheets, then slid off of her. He stood, retrieving his pants from the floor and
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