Sophie Morgan (Book 1): Relative Strangers (A Modern Vampire Story)

Sophie Morgan (Book 1): Relative Strangers (A Modern Vampire Story) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sophie Morgan (Book 1): Relative Strangers (A Modern Vampire Story) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Helen Treharne
Tags: Vampires
evidently pleased with herself flashed an enormous grin at me and then at Mickey, the latter accompanied by an extremely conspicuous wink and a nod in my direction. Her skin crinkled at the corners of her mouth and coupled with the white hair, I had difficulty guessing her age.
    Before I knew it, the evening had come to an end. We stayed until the last customer left, chatting about nothing in particular with Mickey and Sean. Tracy was occupied, firmly latched on to the guitarist’s face.
    I was conscious that we were the only ones who actually needed to leave the premises, as the lads and Maggie all lived above the bar. The guitarist was also staying, Maggie proposing that he stay on the sofa rather than catch a taxi or try to arrange a lift. I was relieved, I didn’t want there to be any suggestion of him coming back to our hotel with us.
    "C’mon Trace," I instructed as I hooked my arm under hers and lifted her up off her bar stool. "The nice guitarist will be here tomorrow, and if you behave, I’ll bring you back then".
    Tracy was well and truly "under the influence’, both of the beer and good old-fashioned lust. I gently pulled her away from Kieran and steered her through the doors and out onto the street. As I looked at Maggie and the three Irishmen left remaining in the bar, I quietly muttered that I was sorry about the state she was in. I had no objection to her having a drink or a good time with lover boy, but it was a bit on the embarrassing side to have to prop her up when I was barely tipsy. You’d think that I was the older one of the two of us, not five years her junior.
    As the saloon style doors swung shut behind me and the balmy evening air hit us, I could hear a man call after us.
    "See you tomorrow?" he asked.
    I smiled to myself. I recognised the voice instantly. It was Mickey’s.

    I kept smiling for most of the following morning, due in large part to the hangover which Tracy was failing miserably to cover. Smugly, I watched her battle with breakfast, moving her selection of cold cuts and cheese on her plate and wincing when I proposed that she tried a nice runny egg with them. It was impossible to resist recommending that she follow the savouries up with the strawberry waffles, syrup and lashings of cream. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t find it as amusing as I did.
    "What the heck I did I drink last night?" She asked, consoling herself with a third cup of black coffee. "Oh, no don’t tell me, I know – a lot!"
    "Judging by the empty shot glasses and the six empty pint glasses, I’d be inclined to agree with you," I replied.
    She shuddered at the thought and asked how much of a show of herself she’d made. I assured her that she hadn’t embarrassed me too much and that her behaviour didn’t seem to put off the entertainment either. I beamed a smile at her across the table; she wasn’t sure if I was lying to be kind or to be mischievous. Neither was I.
    "Oh well", she sighed, "as long as we all had a good time, that’s the main thing." I smiled, saying nothing. "Right, I’ve had a word with myself and pulled myself together, so what’s on the agenda for today? The day is all yours; I guess I wasn’t much company for you last night".
    I shrugged my shoulders. Aside from her highly amusing antics and cavorting with Kieran, I’d had some pleasant company from the bar staff and the owner. I was careful not to single out Mickey and launch her furtive imagination.
    "I’m quite easy going," I added," but it might be nice to check out some of the museums. We could have a look at some of the smaller shops and see if we can pick up some souvenirs. It was a rather late one last night, and, to be honest, I’m pretty tired myself. It may be a good idea to get an early dinner and then head back here for a quick siesta before tonight".
    Tracy, looked up from her coffee, grinning. "Tonight?" she asked. If it was possible to make a word sound lascivious, she had just accomplished it.
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