Something to Talk About

Something to Talk About Read Online Free PDF

Book: Something to Talk About Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melanie Woods Schuster
with him. She gave a short, bitter laugh as she acknowledged the total truth, that she would have chased him down like a dog and begged him to be hers. And she’d almost done that very thing on their recent trip to Idlewild .
    Alicia wandered into the reception area and plopped down on the big navy sofa with a heavy sigh. A swift shudder racked her body as she relived the sexy scene that unfolded that morning. When she’d awakened, curled on her side with Adam spooned next to her, she’d felt warm, safe, and content, until she realized that his hands had staked a claim on her very willing breasts. Instead of being embarrassed or alarmed, she’d been thrilled and aroused. The way his hands had felt on her body, the feel of his big body on top of hers, even for a moment. . . Alicia covered her face and gave a heartfelt cry of frustration. That real-estate broker had probably saved her life, she admitted, because there was no way that she would have stopped Adam from whatever came next. She’d been waiting for him too long to say no. A decent woman would have felt some semblance of shame at that morning’s events. But she felt nothing but frustration that their playful interlude hadn’t come to fruition. Madre de Dios, I’m turning into a big ol’ skank, she thought sadly. Here I am, a nice Catholic girl, turning into a desperate hoochie. What else can you call a woman who has designs on her best friend ?  Her cell phone rang, startling her out of her reverie.   She pulled it out of her pants pocket and said hello without looking at the caller ID.
    “Hello , yourself. I know it’s the last minute, but how about dinner and a movie tonight?”
    Alicia’s face split in a huge, genuine smile as she recognized the voice of Bryant Porter.
    “Bryant, when did you get into town?” she asked.
    “I got in last night. I had some meetings at Wayne State and so forth, plus I need to find a place to live. I’m going to be here through tomorrow at least,” he replied. “So how about that dinner?”
    Alicia looked down at her khaki slacks and made a face. “Well, I’m not dressed up, b ut if you don’t mind going some place casual, I’m on.”
    “Casual is my favorite thing,” he assured her. “Want me to pick you up?”
    “Tell you what, let’s meet at the Fishbone’s in Greek-town. Do you think you can find it?”
    After Bryant assured her he could, they agreed on a time to meet. Alicia ended the call feeling much better. This was just the break she needed, a nice evening with a friend to clear her head of all the strange, unset tl ing thoughts that had been crowding in. She went back to her office to retrieve her purse and leather tote bag and walked back through the office singing a lilting Cuban song as she switched off the lights. She’d reached the reception area when a deep voice made her jump straight in the air.
    “Adam, you scared the life out of me,” she fussed. “I’ve told you about sneaking up on me like that.” Her words were at war with her feelings, since the very sight of him made her melt inside. He’d been out on a site all afternoon and she was surprised that he’d come back to the office at all. His answer, however, was very plainly spoken.
    “And I’ve told you about being up here by yourself. No matter what, I don’t want you in the office by yourself, especially this late. If you find yourself working late, you have three choices. Take the work home, call me to stay with you, or call security to come up here until you’re finished,” he said sternly.
    Alicia was torn between aversion and arousal. She didn’t like Adam treating her like an infant, but it was hard to resent him when he was so concerned for her well-being. If only he hadn’t looked so darned sexy, she might have stood a fighting chance of resisting him.  He was wearing jeans, heavy, well-worn Land’s End boots, and a denim shirt with one of his favorite sport coats. He looked like a Ralph Lauren ad in a chic
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