So Silver Bright

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Book: So Silver Bright Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Mantchev
taken aback by his unusual behavior, Bertie drew herself up to her fullest height and gave him the sternest of her Mistress of Revels expressions, which, considering the knocking of her knees, wasn’t as impressive as it might have been. Still, this queen wasn’t the only one who could manage imperious behavior with little notice. “And you won’t speak to me in that tone again if you value your place in the troupe. Now kindly remove your hand from my person.”
    He obeyed, albeit with visible reluctance. “We oughtn’t keep her messenger waiting.” Another turn, and snapping banners overhead announced their arrival at the innermost heart of the Caravanserai.
    “Understood, but neither will I be dragged into the marketplace like a criminal before the magistrate.” Bertie took a moment to smooth down her dress and regret her castaway shoes; bare feet certainly did suggest she was more pickpocket than playwright!
    Nudging aside a small clot of traders haggling over the price of a horse and sidestepping a woman carrying a tray of steaming meat pies, Nate appeared before the two of them. “I’ve been lookin’ everywhere fer ye.” Despite his words, he didn’t look all that happy to see her. “What ha’e ye done t’ yer head?”
    “Silver wasn’t my choice. I made the mistake of giving the colorist carte blanche to do as she liked.”
    He took her by the arm; though the gesture was a gentle one, the roughened patches of skin on his palms still caught the fine threads of the moonlight dress as they continued through the marketplace.
    “Say something,” Bertie demanded, unable to suffer the walk in silence.
    “I’ve seen yer head blue an’ black, pink an’ red, an’ everythin’ in between, an’ no color’s ever given me pause before. It’s like…” Though his steps didn’t falter, Nate’s voice did, either because he couldn’t find the words to finish, or they were too terrible to voice aloud.
    “Like I’m a stranger?” The thought terrified Bertie, opening a dark place in her stomach and her heart both.
    The horrible feeling expanded, and her voice dropped another notch. “Like I’m the enemy?”
    “Ariel’s not my enemy, lass. I can call him by a lot o’ names, but that wouldn’t be one o’ them.”
    “I think you have called him a lot of names over recent months.” She meant it to sound lighthearted, to derail the serious turn the conversation had taken, but she didn’t quite manage it.
    “Ne’er mind him now, we ha’e enough t’ deal wi’ as it is.” Reaching the edge of an enormous crowd, Nate began clearing a path for her.
    Bertie followed him, hardly able to believe the number of people crammed into the central square. The usual dance of buying, selling, and coaxing coins from pockets had stilled, an eerie quiet settling over the throng as she approached. A bewigged courier, dressed in immaculate white and gold livery, waited at the decorative fountain. A row of similarly attired personages stood behind him, their gazes fixed upon her most disconcertingly.
    Oblivious to the solemnity of the occasion, the fairies arrived on the scene carrying a large skewer of meat between them and arguing over the top of their charred prize.
    “Don’t you blame me for this,” Peaseblossom was saying, “I wanted deep-fried yogurt doughnuts with jam!”
    “But I told him I didn’t want sauce on my bit.”
    “It’s just the smallest helping!”
    “Yeah, of hellfire-hot, melt-your-mouth sauce! I’ll be farting flames for a week—” Here, Cobweb broke off his diatribe, nose and eyes streaming, to contemplate Bertie. “Good grief, you look just like Ariel!”
    “Not now!” She issued the command between clenched teeth as she joined Nate at the front of the crowd.
    Waschbär surprised them all by giving the Messenger a most courtly bow, remaining folded in half while he spoke to the man’s knees. “Permit me the grand and glorious honor of announcing you are in the
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