Snowbound Mystery

Snowbound Mystery Read Online Free PDF

Book: Snowbound Mystery Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gertrude Warner
Tags: Ebook, book
south and west, but it is not supposed to hit this area. It will go further north and miss us entirely. The northern New England states should prepare for a storm.”
    “No need to worry then,” said Benny. He turned off the radio.
    At suppertime it was almost too dark to see.
    “What are we going to do tomorrow?” asked Benny as he finished his hamburger.
    “Fix the roof,” said Henry. “You can help me, Ben. We’ll find the hole the squirrels use for a door and nail a board over it.”
    But Henry didn’t know that his plans would be changed for him.
    As Benny went to bed, he said, “Maybe that code we found is a secret way to get rid of squirrels.” And he laughed.

    T he next day the weather had changed. The sky was very gray. There was no sun. But the Aldens started out for the store.
    “It’s much colder today,” Violet said. She put up her hood and tied it under her chin.
    Jessie said, “No blue sky today. Maybe yesterday was a weather breeder, after all. You remember Barbara said she thought a storm was coming.”
    “Well, never mind,” said Benny. “After all, it’s too early for snow. And the radio report said the storm would not hit us.”
    Benny trotted along with Watch. They walked faster this time. They did not stop to look at anything on the path.
    “Two and a half miles is a long way on a chilly day,” said Jessie, “but it’s just a nice walk in good weather. We’d better not stay very long at the store, Henry.”
    “Right,” agreed Henry. He looked up at the sky again. “The clouds seem to be getting heavier,” he said. “I hope we can fix that roof before it rains again.”
    At last the four Aldens reached the Nelsons’ store. This time there were a few other customers in the store. They were getting big bags of groceries.
    A woman smiled at Jessie. She said, “We think we’ll have rain soon, so I’m buying a lot of things. Maybe you folks ought to do the same. Sometimes it rains here for days.”
    “Thank you,” said Jessie gratefully. “We’re getting supplies, too. We have to walk over two miles to get here. Henry, pick up some canned meat and bacon while you are on that side, and some spaghetti and tomato sauce. I’ll get more chocolate and hot dogs and hamburgers and dry milk.”
    “I’ve got more dog food,” called Benny.
    The other people went out with their bags. Tom said to Henry, “You see we don’t get many customers now. The summer people have gone, and many people have moved away for good. I think I’ll have to move if I want to make a living.”
    “Don’t move before we do!” Benny said.
    As he spoke, Mrs. Nelson came downstairs. She said, “I think it is going to snow. It feels just like it to me.” She frowned. She looked worried.
    “Snow!” Benny said. “It’s too early for snow.”
    “Yes, it’s too early, but just the same you had better go right back. You don’t want to get caught on the trail if snow comes. If you wait here you may.”
    “That’s right, Mrs. Nelson,” said Henry. “Put up your hoods, everybody, and tie your scarves on tight.”
    Mrs. Nelson took a quick step toward the girls. She said, “Oh, Jessie, you know I want you to stay, don’t you? I don’t want you to hurry away!”
    “Oh, Barbara, we do,” answered Jessie. “Of course we know it. But we mustn’t get caught in the storm. Now here we go. Got everything?”
    Watch was on his way as soon as the door was opened. The Aldens wasted no time. They walked along the path as fast as they could. Soon they were out of sight of the store.
    “Not too fast, Ben,” called Henry. “Save your fast walking for the end, like a race.”
    Benny slowed down. He began to think of the secret code and of Tom Nelson moving away. “Is Tom Nelson running away?” he wondered. Then suddenly he turned around. “What do you know, Henry. It’s snowing!” he said.
    “It is!” Jessie said. “Maybe it will stop as suddenly as it began.”
    But it did not.
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